Dear Students,
As an extension to the discussion regarding the presentations we had in class, please find the solutions of all the four groups, namely Concierge 2.0, Concierge People, I-Concierge and Concierge International.
Dear students,
Please note that the new submission date for Oblig 3 is now May 20, 2013 at 23:59:59 CET.
Reminder of the tasks to be accomplished:
- Create the following models (Information model - UML Class Diagram, Process model - BPMN Diagram, Service model - OMG SoaML, System Architecture model - UML 2.0 Composite Structure Diagram) using Cameo Enterprise Architecture (wherever appropriate based on the alternative chosen) for implementing a small Concierge system that allows:
- the presentation of booking event alternatives. Typical use case flow: a customer selects a date for a particular event which is not available. In that case, the system should present a list of event alternatives.)
- the booking of an event. Typical use case flow: a customer chooses to book an event. The system registers/saves this booking request and sends a confirmation...
Dear Students, the description for Oblig 3 - “System Architecture Models for a realization of the Concierge System” is available at the following link: Oblig 3 - Concierge System Architecture Models.
Dear Students, the description for Oblig 2 - “Graphical Domain Specific Language (DSL) Editor for Value Networks” is available at the following link: Oblig 2 - DSL Editor.
Dear Students, please note the changes made to the course's website structure. The detailed teaching plan containing links to lecture slides can be found under "Undervisningsplan" on the left.
Dear Students, please note that the new submission deadline for Oblig 1 is now March 22, 2013 at 23:59:59 CET.
Dear Students, more information about AT-ONE Touchpoints for Oblig 1 can be found here. A total of 44 touchpoints is available for you to describe the various stages/steps/activities of a service journey map.
Dear Students, the description for Oblig 1 - "Concierge" is available at the following link: Oblig 1 - Concierge.
Please note that the submission deadline is March 11, 2013 at 23:59:59 CET.