Steps to resolve Webratio Java Version error
If you run WebRatio and you got the message saying that the Java version used is not suitable, you need to configure another JDK.
Just follow these steps:
1. Check the current installed Java version. Open the command prompt from the start menu and execute the command
Java –version
You get something like
java version "1.8.0_45"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_45-b15)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.45-b02, mixed mode)
2. Download from the Oracle website the JDK 1.5, 1.6 or 1.7 for your operating system and architecture.
3. Install the downloaded JDK. The default installation directory is c:\programs\java\<java-version> or c:\programs (x86)\java\<java-version>
NOTE. You may have more than one JDK running on your computer. You don't need to uninstall them.
4. Configure WebRatio to use the correct JDK.
Open the Start Menu, right click on the WebRatio start menu item and choose "Properties".
In the "Shortcut" tab, change the value of the "Target" property by adding at the end
-vm “path to javaw.exe” (e.g. -vm "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_75\bin\javaw.exe)
5. Run WebRatio from the Start Menu.