
Publisert 30. mai 2019 16:47
  • The Exam will count 70% or 100% - depending on what gives the best result for the student – Oblig 10+10+10 % + Exam 70% as suggested earlier for the course   -  or Exam 100%   (It means that the grades for  the Oblig only can help to improve your overall grade – it will not be able to reduce the overall grade).   Due to the fact that Obligs normally do not work in the same way as Home exams.  Properly our Obligs with grading (typically good group results between A and C)  should then have been made as home exams – as this did not happen – we provide now a solution for the students of INF5120/INF9120 for the 2019 spring semester – to take advantage of the best of this.  The final grade will be the best for each student of either the exam only (100%) – or the combination of the 3 Obligs (30%) and the exam (70%).
Publisert 15. apr. 2019 21:12

Oblig 3 has been published. You can find it at: 

oblig3_link OR

Resources -> Assignments -> Oblig 3

Deadline: May 13, 2019 at noon (11.59am)

Submit to: Devilry for INF5120.

Publisert 11. apr. 2019 20:49

Oblig 2 has been published. You can find it at: 

Oblig2_link OR

Resources -> Assignments -> Oblig 2

Deadline: May 6, 2019 at noon (11.59am)

Submit to: Devilry for INF5120.

Publisert 1. apr. 2019 19:05

All of you are requested to fill this survey about how you have found the course till now, so that it could be improved based on responses.

Publisert 25. mars 2019 11:21

Guest lecture,  "CJML – Customer Journey Modeling Language", by  Dr. Ragnhild Halvorsrud, SINTEF Monday March 25th,  14:15-15:00.

There would be a regular lecture by Dr. Arne Berre from 15:15-16:00.

Publisert 11. mars 2019 15:13

All of you are requested to join slack and upwave using the links below for group formation and collaboration,.

To join Slack, join:

If you have already formed a group send the names of group members and their uio emails through slack , if you are unable to form a group you would be randomly added to some group.

Publisert 11. mars 2019 00:16

Oblig 1 has been published. You can find it at: 

Oblig1 Link OR

Resources -> Assignments -> Oblig 1

Deadline: April 1, 2019 at noon (12.00pm)

Submit to: Devilry for INF5120. A folder will be created in the start of next week.


To download Modelio follow this link

To start with use the trial license. To get actual license key contact me on slack. One you get the license key follow this tutorial to use the licence....

Publisert 22. feb. 2019 16:10

There would be a guest lecture for INF5120, on Monday February 25th with the topic "Use of Node-RED, Raspberry PI and IBM Cloud Watson for rapid IoT system development – examples from Smart Home solutions"

By Jone Aarre, IBM

Publisert 18. feb. 2019 15:53




Publisert 26. jan. 2019 15:48

Lecture 1,2,3 slides are available now