
Volker Stolz

Martin Steffen
Volker Stolz
Intro & Organization
23.1.2015 Sem. room PMA, 10:00 Slides
Volker Stolz Logics 20.2.2015 (Fri) Sem. room PMA, 13:00  
Martin Steffen Dynamic Logics 23.2.2015 (Mon) Sem. room PMA, 13:00  
Volker Stolz LTL 24.2.2015 (Tue) Sem. room PMA, 10:15 Dwyer's temporal specification patterns
Volker Stolz Logic Model Checking 20.4.2015 (Mon)

Sem. room PMA, 13:30-15:00

Volker Stolz LMC continued 30.4.2015 (Thu)

Sem. room PMA, 10:00-12:00

Presentations 1/2   1.6.2015 (Mon) Sem. room PMA, 9:30-12:30
  1. Topic: OBDDs (A.Qeriqi)
  2. Topic: CTL (F.Rabbi)
  3. Topic: Java Pathfinder (C.Bergersen)
  4. Topic: Runtime Verification (C.Rosenberg)
Presentations 2/2   2.6.2015 (Tue) Sem. room PMA, 9:30-12:30
  1. Topic: TLA (S.Bijo)
  2. Topic: Maude (L.Tveito)

All slides are over to the left in the side bar!

Publisert 23. jan. 2015 09:56 - Sist endret 2. juni 2015 14:39