
Published Dec. 19, 2011 2:49 PM

Thanks to all students participating in the course. I hope you enjoyed the course as much as I did. Please don't forget to provide feedback on the course via UiO's feedback mechanism (over which I don't have control).

Based on the results from the project and oral exam, the following distribution of grades was achieved:

A: 5 students B: 4 students C: 3 students D: 2 students E: 3 students F: --

Published Dec. 13, 2011 2:31 PM

IMPORTANT: Room change for all Oral Exams on Dec 15 and 16. The new location is room 2164 Delta in OJD (same floor as room Pearl where we had our lectures).

Published Dec. 12, 2011 6:13 PM

You find an updated schedule (v7) for the Oral Exam under folder oral-exam

Published Nov. 23, 2011 3:40 PM

You find an updated schedule for the Oral Exam under folder oral-exam

I have received a total of 17 project reports. I am marking your reports in the order I received them from you by email. I plan to finish the marking until Friday at the latest. All of you will receive an email with marks and a summary evaluation.

Published Nov. 21, 2011 1:14 PM

Please remember that the deadline for submitting the final project report is Dec 06 at 19:59 (sharp!). Please submit electronically to Only PDF format will be accepted!

Published Nov. 10, 2011 2:48 PM

You find an updated schedule for the Oral Exam under folder oral-exam

Please check whether your name is listed (in case you wish to submit a project report and wish to take the oral exam). If your name is not on the list although it should be, please inform me immediately.

For those of you who don't want to complete the course, please make sure you have withdrawn from the course via StudentWeb!

Published Nov. 1, 2011 6:54 PM

Please recall that there will be an interesting industry presentation given during the first two hours of the lecture on Thursday (03 Nov 2011) given by Bente Anda (Skatteetaten) on the topic "SPI at Skatteetaten (Cost Estimation)"

The third hour of the lecture on Thursday this week will be dedicated to the project. I will give general feedback on the draft reports.

I have also come up with a tentative schedule for the Oral Exams on December 15 and 16. You find the schedule under folder oral-exam

Published Oct. 21, 2011 2:46 PM

IMPORTANT: Due to IfI Dagen the industry presentation by Bente Anda on "SPI at Skatteetaten (Cost Estimation)" has been moved from Oct 27 to Nov 3! There will be no lecture on Oct 27.

Published Oct. 19, 2011 11:45 AM

The organisers of Smidig 2011 (Agile 2011) in Oslo offer students a conference fee for only 500 NOK, which includes dinner. If a student volunteers to do some work, they can get it for free. The following link says deadline for student fee is 14 October but we were told that it's valid as long as the link works:

Smidig 2011 Student Registration

Published Oct. 17, 2011 8:21 PM

Please remember that the deadline for submission of your project report drafts is on Thursday this week (20 Oct 2010) at 13.30 via email to Please send a PDF file. Recall that the deadline is strict!

Published Oct. 14, 2011 2:59 PM

Hi, those of you who didn't attend yesterday's lecture (Lecture 06), please have a look at handout #7 with exercises/homework related to measurement and GQM. During yesterday's exercise session, we looked at exercise B and started with C.1. Doing exercise A and the rest of exercise C is homework until next week. If time allows, we will look at the homework exercises during the 3rd hour of next week's lecture (Lecture 07). Thus, it would be good if everybody had a look at the exercises (in particular those who didn't attend Lecture 6).

Published Oct. 7, 2011 4:34 PM

Thanks to all of you who presented yesterdy or at least sent your presentations. I have now uploaded all presentations that I received. You find them in the folder undervisningsmateriale/presentations.

Published Sep. 29, 2011 12:20 PM

Hi, for your presentations next week (06 Oct), please have a look at the slides of Lecture 05 in folder undervisningsmateriale/lecture-notes. There you will find your name and the hour in which you should give your presentation. Please provide information about the following:

  • Context of your improvement project
  • Issues the trigger your improvement project
  • Goals you want to achieve with your improvement project
If you have initial ideas on what to change in order to achieve the goal(s) please mention them briefly. Recall that each student has only 5 min time (incl. discussion/feedback and switching to next speaker). Thus, it is important that you don't use more than 4 min (3 min preferred!) for your presentation. It is also a good idea to send me your slides at least one day before 06 Oct so I a can upload them on my computer before the lecture starts. This will save us time when switching from one...
Published Sep. 16, 2011 10:56 AM

Hi, now we have 28 students who registered for the project. I will upload information regarding the order of student presentations to be given on 6 Oct 2011. Please recall that next week (22 Sep 2011) there won't be a lecture. The lecture on 29 Sep 2011 will be given by Dag Sj?berg on the topic "Flow-based Agile Development (KANBAN)".

Published Sep. 15, 2011 2:14 PM

Hi, now 23 students registered for the project. The list in undervisningsmateriale/project-report has been updated.

Published Sep. 14, 2011 10:58 AM

Hi, I have uploaded the list of names of those of you who registered for the project in folder undervisningsmateriale/project-report. 19 student registered. Please check whether your name is on the list and let me know in case it is missing. Thus, the project will be done individually.

Published Sep. 9, 2011 10:32 AM

Dear Students, those who would like to do the course project and haven't yet sent me an email, please do so until Monday, 12 Sep. Please send an email to with subject line "INF5181 Project". In the body of the email put your name and say that you would like to do the project. Those of you who already sent me the email can ignore this announcement. I will post the list of participants on Wednesday, 14 Sep.

Published July 9, 2011 5:22 PM

Dear Students,

please note that the first lecture takes place on 1 September 2011 (not on 25 August).

Attending the first lecture is mandatory.