Hi all!There was a minor …

Hi all!

  • There was a minor problem with the syllabus file that prevented some Windows users from opening it. The file has been fixed, please try downloading it again. The syllabus file will be available for about a day.
  • The syllabus will be available for copying at the library soon, but the library needs to figure out some copyright-related issues before we can make it available. Due to its size, the syllabus will be available as one continuous stream of pages, so there will be no index cards – but the contents will be sorted chronologically. The complete syllabus is 1.283 pages (2-up duplex gives 321 pages) – so please consider printing only the articles you need to read on paper.
  • Reading note "2013-01-29 - Understanding CSCW and Cooperative Work" is now available in Devilry.
  • "Participation, Deliverables and Report" is now available as a link from the semester web page.

Best from Wilhelm

Published Jan. 22, 2013 2:35 PM - Last modified Apr. 16, 2013 1:20 PM