
Publisert 21. mai 2014 13:47

place: room 7166

time: Monday 2. and Tuesday 3. June

Here is the schedule


Good luck!



Publisert 16. mai 2014 11:18

Would you all download your group reports individually at  Devilry, before today's deadline ( kl 23:59). This makes it easier for us to officially record what reports were delivered and by whom.


Good Luck,


Publisert 2. apr. 2014 15:52

We end the course one week earlier so I have merged the two last classes into one, and also moved the last few themes a little bit around in order to have the awareness discussion earlier. The report is still to be submitted by May 16. --Tone

Publisert 4. mars 2014 12:41

from 12. March we will be in Shell (room 2456)



Publisert 21. feb. 2014 09:42

Please note that your groupware exercise report is delivered individually and the deadline is Wednesday 26.Feb. Different users sharing asynchronously the same cooperative groupware at work develop different reflections about the usability of such groupware.

We are interested in reading your own reflections about that.

Hani, Tone