
What is cscw and cooperative work?

Mandatory readings

Schmidt, K. & L. Bannon: Taking CSCW Seriously. Supporting Articulation Work, 1992. Computer Supported Cooperative Work: The Journal of Collaborative Computing, vol. 1 no. 1, pp. 7-40. Online access at Kjeld's homepage.

Bowers, J.; Button, G. & Sharrock, W.: Workflow from Within and Without: Technology and Cooperative Work on the Print Industry Shopfloor, 1995. Marmolin m.fl. (red): Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, ECSCW'95, Kluwer, pp. 51-66. Online access at ECSCW.

Additional readings

Cohen, A. L., Cash, D., & Muller, M. J. : Designing to support adversarial collaboration, 2000. Whittaker and Kellogg (eds.), Proceedings of the Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, CSCW 2000, ACM, pp. 31-49. online at ACM Digital Library .

Grudin, J. (1994): Computer-Supported Cooperative Work: History and Focus, IEEE Computer vol. 27 no. 5 (May 1994), pp. 19-25. Online access from Jonathans homepage.

Orlikowski, W.: Learning from Notes: Organizational Issues in Groupware Implementation, 1992. Turner and Kraut (eds.): Proceedings of the Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, CSCW'92, pp. 362-369. online at ACM Digital Library .

Theories in cscw: Strauss' theory on work

Mandatory readings

Schmidt, K.: The Concept of ‘Work’ in CSCW, 2011. Computer Supported Cooperative Work 20:341–401. Fulltekst.

Star, S.L.: This is Not a Boundary Object: Reflections on the Origin of a Concept, 2010. Science, Technology, & Human Values. Volume 35, issue 5, pp. 601-617. Fulltekst.

Additional readings

Gasser, L.: The integration of computing and routine work, 1986. ACM; ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS), Volume 4 Issue 3. Online access at The ACM Digital Library.

Carstensen, P. H. & S?rensen, C.: From the Social to the Systematic. Mechanisms Supporting Coordination in Design, 1996. Computer Supported Cooperative Work: The Journal of Collaborative Computing, vol. 5 no. 4, pp. 387-413 . online access .

Corbin, J. & Strauss, A.: Managing Chronic Illness at Home: Three Lines of Work, 1985. Qualitative Sociology 8 (3): 224-247, Human Science Press Fulltekst

Star, S.L. & Griesemer, J.R.: Institutional Ecology, 'Translations' and Boundary Objects: Amateurs and Professionals in Berkeley's Museum of vertebrate Zoology, 1907-39, 1989, Social Studies of Science Volume 19, Issue 3, pp. 387-420. Fulltekst

Star, S.L. & Ruhleder, K. Steps Toward an Ecology of Infrastructure: Design and Access for Large Information Spaces, 1996. Information Systems Research Volume 7, Issue 1, pp. 111-134 Fulltekst 

Theories in cscw: Activity Theory (AT)

Mandatory readings

Bardram, J. E.: Designing for the Dynamics of Cooperative Work Activities, 1998. Poltrock & Grudin (red): Proceedings of the Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, CSCW'98, ACM, pp. 89-98 . Online access at The ACM Digital Library.

Halversen, C.: Activity Theory and Distributed Cognition: Or WHat Does CSCW Need to DO with Theories?, 2001. Journal of CSCW vol 11: 243-267. Fulltekst.

Additional readings

Engestr?m, Y. (2001): Expansive Learning at Work: toward an activity theoretical reconceptualization, In Journal of Education and Work, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2001, pp. 133-156. Routledge. Fulltekst.

Engestr?m, Y. & Escalante, V.: Mundane Tool or Object of Affection? The Rise and Fall of the Postal Buddy, in Nardi (ed): Context and consciousness: activity theory and human-computer interaction, 1996. MIT Press. kopi.

Hasu, M. and Y. Engestr?m: Measurement in action: an activity-theoretical perspective on producer}user interaction, 2000. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. Volume 53, Issue 1, pp. 61-89. Fulltekst.

Kaptelinin, V.: The Object of Activity: Making Sense of the Sense-Maker 2005. Mind, Culture and ACtivity Volume 12 Issue 1, pp. 4-18. Fulltekst.

Miettinen, R.: The riddle of things: Activity theory and actor-network theory as approaches to studying innovations, 1999. Mind, Culture, and Activity. volume 6, issue 3, pp. 170 — 195. Fulltekst.

Miettingen, R. & Hasu, M.: Articulating User Needs in Collaborative Design: Towards an Activity-Theoretical Approach, 2002. Computer Supported Cooperative Work 11: 129–151. Fulltekst.

Theories in cscw: Actor-Network Theory (ANT)

Mandatory readings

Berg, M.: On Distribution, Drift and the Electronic Medical Record: Some Tools for a Sociology of the Formal, 1997. Hughes m.fl. (red): Proceedings of the Fifth European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, ECSCW'97, Kluwer, pp. 141-156 . Online access via ECSCW .

Aanestad, M.: The Camera as an Actor: Design-in-Use of Telemedicine Infrastructure in Surgery, 2003. Computer Supported Cooperative Work: The Journal of Collaborative Computing, vol 12, pp 1-20, Kluwer . (online at Margunn's home page).

Additional readings

Callon, M.: Some elements of a sociology of translation: domestication of the scallops and the fishermen of St Brieuc Bay, 1986. in J. Law, Power, action and belief: a new sociology of knowledge? London, Routledge, 1986, pp.196-223. Fulltekst.

Latour, B. Actor-network theory. A few clarifications plus more than a few complications, 1996. Fulltekst

Law, J.: Notes on the Theory of the Actor Network: Ordering, Strategy and Heterogeneity, 1992. Centre for Science Studies, Lancaster University. Fulltekst.

Hanseth, O., Aanestad, M. & Berg, M. Guest editors' introduction: Actor-network theory and information systems. What's so special?, 2004. Information Technology & People, 17 (2): 116-123 online access

IT work as cooperative work

Mandatory readings

Grinter, R.: Recomposition: Coordinating a Web of Software Dependencies, 2003. Computer Supported Cooperative Work: Journal of Collaborative Computing, 12(3): 297-327. Fulltekst.

Procter, R., Rouncefield, M., Poschen, M., Lin, Y. & Voss, A.: Agile Project Management: A Case Study of a Virtual Research Environment Development Project, 2011. Journal of CSCW vol 20 no 3: 197-225. Fulltekst.

Additional readings

Balka, E. & Wagner, I.: Making things work: dimensions of configurability as appropriation work, 2007. Proceedings of CSCW'06, ACM . Fulltekst.

Grinter, R.E.: Recomposition: Putting It All Back Together Again, 1998. ACM. CSCW'98: 393-402. Fulltekst.

Distributed work (eScience)

Mandatory readings

Ribes, D. and Lee, C. P. : Sociotechnical Studies of Cyberinfrastructure and e-Research: Current Themes and Future Trajectories., 2010. Computer Supported Cooperative Work. (Introduction to Special Issue of JCSCW), 19(3-4): 231-244. Fulltekst.

Star, S.L. & K. Ruhleder: Steps towards an ecology of infrastructure: complex problems in design and access for large-scale collaborative systems, 1994. ACM: Proceedings CSCW '94. pp. 253-264. Fulltekst.

Additional readings

Bietz, M.J., Baumer, E.P.S., & Lee, C.P. : Synergizing in cyberinfrastructure development, 2010. Computer Supported Cooperative Work. (Introduction to Special Issue of JCSCW), 19(3-4): 245-281 . Fulltekst.

O’Day, V. L., Adler, A., Kuchinsky, A. & Bouch, A.: When Worlds Collide: Molecular biology as interdisciplinary collaboration, 2001. Prinz et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the Seventh European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, ECSCW 2001, Kluwer, pp. 399-418. Online access at ECSCW.

Olivier, H. & N. Pinkward: Collaborative Virtual Environments - Hype or Hope for CSCW?, 2007. IfI Technical Report Series. IfI-07-14. Department of Informatics. Clausthal University of Technology. Fulltekst.

Global work

Mandatory readings

Herbsleb, J. D., Mockus, A., Finholt, T. A., and Grinter, R. E. : Distance, dependencies, and delay in a global collaboration, 2000. Whitakker and Kellogg (eds.), Proceedings of the Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, CSCW 2000, ACM, pp. 319-328. online at ACM Digital Library .

Beyene, T., Hinds, P.J. & Cramton, C.D: Walking Through Jelly: Language Proficiency, Emotions, and Disrupted Collaboration in Global Work, 2009. Harvard Business Scholl working paper 09-138. Fulltekst.

Additional readings

Hinds, P.J. &; M. Mortensen: Understanding Conflict in Geographically Distributed Teams: The Moderating Effects of Shared identity, Shared Context and Spontaneous Communication, 2005. Organization Science; May/Jun 2005; 16, 3: 290-307 . Fulltekst.

Ehrlich, K. & K. Chang; : Leveraging expertise in global software teams: Going outside boundaries, 2006. Global Software Engineering, 149 - 158. Fulltekst.

Avram, G., Bannon, L., Sheehan, A., Sigfridsson, A., Sullivan, D: Examining Life at the Code Face , 2008. CHASE workshop, International Conference on Software Engineering, 13 May 2008, Leipzig, Germany. Fulltekst.

Mobile work

Mandatory readings

Belotti, V. & Bly, S.: Walking away from the desktop computer: distributed collaboration and mobility in a product design team, 1996 . Proceedings of the 1996 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work, pp. 209 - 218 . Online access at The ACM Digital Library.

Luff, P. & Heath, C.: Mobility in collaboration, 1998. Proceedings of the 1998 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work, pp. 305 - 314 . Fulltekst.

Additional readings

Kristoffersen, S. & F. Ljungberg: Making place” to make IT work: empirical explorations of HCI for mobile CSCW, 1999. ACM: GROUP '99: . Fulltekst.

Weilenmann, A. & Larsson, C: Collaborative use of mobile telephones: A field study of Swedish teenagers, 2000. Proceedings of the 1st Nordic Conference on Computer-Human Interaction (NordiCHI 2000) Stockholm, 23 -25 October. Fulltekst.

Holone, H. & Herstad, J.: Negotiating privacy boundaries in social applications for accessibility mapping, 2010. Proceedings of the 6th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Extending Boundaries: 217-225. Fulltekst.

Weilenmann, A.: Mobile Methodologies: Experiences from Studies of Mobile Technologies-in-Use, 2001. Proceedings of the 24th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia (IRIS 24), Bj?rnestad et al. (eds) vol. 3: 243-257. Fulltekst.

Churchill, E.F. & Munro, A.J.: Work/place: mobile technologies and arenas of activity, 2001. ACM SIGGROUP Bulletin Volume 22 Issue 3: 3-9. Fulltekst.

Pervasive technology

Mandatory readings

Jiang, X, N.C. Chen, J.I. Hong, K. Wang & L. Takayama: Siren: Context-Aware Computing for Firefighting, 2004. Human-Computer Interaction Institute. Paper 77. Fulltekst.

Klann, M.: Tactical Navigation Support for Firefighters: The LifeNet Ad-Hoc Sensor-Network and Wearable System, 2009. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2009, Volume 5424/2009, 41-56. Fulltekst.

Hornecker, E.: The role of physicality in tangible and embodied interactions, 2011. ACM INteractions Magazine, vol 18 issue 2: 19-23. Fulltekst.

Additional readings

Bardram, J.E. & Christensen,H.B.: Supporting Pervasive Collaboration in Healthcare — An Activity-Driven Computing Infrastructure, 2004. Technical report CfPC Technical Report 2004-PB-63, Centre for Pervasive Computing. Fulltekst.

Ciolfi, L. & L. Bannon: Designing hybrid places: merging interaction design, ubiquitous technologies and geographies of the museum space, 2007. CoDesign, Volume 3, Number 3, September 2007 , pp. 159-180(22). Fulltekst.

Grinter, R; Aoki, P.M; Hurst, A; Szymanski, M.H; Thornton, J. & Woodruff, A.: Revisiting the visit: understanding how technology can shape the museum visit, 2002. Proceedings of the 2002 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work, pp. 146 - 155 . online access at ACM's Digital Library.

Hindmarsh, J; Heath, C; vom Lehn, D. & Cleverly, J.: Creating assemblies: aboard the Ghost Ship, 2002. Proceedings of the 2002 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work, pp. 156 - 165 . online access at ACM's Digital Library.

Cscw and home work

Mandatory readings

Bratteteig, T. and Wagner, I. (2013). Moving healthcare to the home: the work to make home care work, in ECSCW 2013, pp 143-162. Fulltekst.

Roberts, C.; Mort, M. and Milligan, C. (2012). Calling for Care: "Disembodied" Work, Teleoperators and Older People Living at Home. Sociology 46 (3): 490-506. Fulltekst.

Aal?kke Ballegaard, S., Bunde-Pedersen, J. and Bardram, J. (2006). Where to Roberta?: reflecting on the role of technology in assisted living, NordiCHI'06: 373-376. Fulltekst.

Additional readings

Corbin, J. & Strauss, A.: Managing Chronic Illness at Home: Three Lines of Work, 1985. Qulitative Sociology 8 (3): 224-247, Human Science Press. Fulltekst.

Edwards, W.K. and Grinter, R. (2001). At Home with Ubiquitous Computing: Seven Challenges. 3rd conference on Ubiquitous Computing: 256-272 Fulltekst.

Bowers, J. (1994). The work to make a network work: studying CSCW in action. CSCW'94: 287-298. Fulltekst.

Grinter, R.; Edwards, W.K.; Newman, M.W. and Ducheneaut, N.(2005). The Work to Make a Home Network Work. ECSCW 2005: 469-488. Fulltekst.

Palen, L. and Aal?kke, S. (2006). Of pill boxes and piano benches: "home-made" methods for managing medication. CSCW 2006: 79-88. Fulltekst.

Concepts in cscw: awareness

Mandatory readings

Dourish, P. & V. Belotti: Awareness and Coordination in Shared Workspaces, 1992. CSCW '92 Proceedings, ACM. Fulltekst.

Schmidt, K.: The Problem with `Awareness': Introductory Remarks on `Awareness in CSCW', 2010. Computer supported cooperative work (CSCW): 11 (3-4): 285-298 . Fulltekst.

Additional readings

Heath, C. and Luff, P.: Collaborative activity and technological design: Task coordination in London Underground control rooms , 1991. Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work. Fulltekst.

Heath, C et al: Configuring Awareness, 2010. Computer supported cooperative work (CSCW): 11 (3-4): 317-347. Fulltekst.

Cscw outside work

Mandatory readings

Nardi, B. & Harris, J.: Strangers and Friends: Collaborative Play in World of Warcraft, 2006. CSCW conference, ACM: . Fulltekst.

Ashkanasy, S., Vetere, F., Davis, H. & Shanks, G.: Finding the other 5%: Understanding the role of social networking technologies in building personal networks for young adults with cancer, 2009. Proceedings of ECSCW 2009, Springer: 105-121. Fulltekst.

Baumer, E.P.S., Sueyoshi, M., Tomlinson, B.: Bloggers and Readers Blogging Together: Collaborative Co-creation of Political Blogs, 2011. J of Computer Supported Cooperative Work 20: 1-36. Fulltekst.

Additional readings

Crabtree, A., Rodden, T. & Benford, S.: Moving with the Times: IT Research and the Boundaries of CSCW, 2005. Journal of CSCW vol 14: 217-251. Fulltekst.

Baggethun, A. & Reyes, L.F.M.: Understanding YouTube in a CSCW context, 2011. inf5200 report, Department of Informatics. Fulltekst.

Wong, N., Tang, A., Livingston, I., Gutwin, C. & Mandryk, R.: Character Sharing in World of Warcraft, 2009. Proceedings of ECSCW'09, Springer: 343--362. Fulltekst.

Bardzell, J,. Nichold, J., Pace, T., Bardzell, S.: Come Meet Me at Ulduar: Progression Raiding in World of Warcraft, 2012. ACM, CSCW. Fulltekst.

Brown, B. & Barkhuus, L.: Leisure and CSCW: Introduction to Special Edition, 2007. J of Computer Supported Cooperative Work 16: 1-10. Fulltekst.

Design and participatory design & cscw

Mandatory readings

Robinson, M.: Design for Unanticipated Use ..., 1993. de Michelis m.fl. (red): Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, ECSCW'93, Kluwer, pp. 187-202 . Fulltekst.

Kensing, F. & Blomberg, J.: Participatory Design: Issues and Concerns, 1998. Computer Supported Cooperative Work 7: 167–185. Fulltekst.

Robertson, T.: Shoppers and Tailors: Participative Practices in Small Australian Design Companies, 1998. Computer Supported Cooperative Work 7: 205–221. Fulltekst.

Additional readings


Peter H. Carstensen and Kjeld Schmidt (2003): Computer Supported Cooperative Work: New Challenges to Systems Design, in To appear in Kenji Itoh (ed.). Handbook of Human Factors, Tokyo 2003, pp. 619-636 [in Japanese], available from Kjeld's home page

Grudin, J.: Groupware and Social Dynamics: Eight Challenges for Developers, 1994b. Communications of the ACM vol. 37 no. 1 (Jan. 1994), pp. 93-105. (Online access at ACM).

Dourish, P.: Implications for design, 2006. Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in computing systems: 541-550. Fulltekst.

Participatory design

Kyng, M.: Designing for cooperation: cooperating in design, 2000. Communications of the ACM, pp. 65-73. online at ACM Digital Library .

Bowers, J. & Pycock, J. : Talking Through Design: Requirements and Resistance in Cooperative Prototyping, 1994. Proc. CHI'94, ACM, 299-305. Fulltekst.

Maquil, V., Psik, T., Wagner, I. & Wagner, M. (2007): Expressive Interactions - Supporting Collaboration in Urban Design, GROUP '07, Nov. 4-7, 2007, Sanible Island, Florida, USA. ACM.. Online access at ACM Portal.

Reyes, L.F.M. & Finken, S.: (2012): Social media as a platform for participatory design, PDC'12, ACM: 89-92. Fulltekst

Bratteteig, T. og Wagner, I.: Spaces for Participatory Creativity, 2010. ACM. Participatory Design Conference: 51-60. Fulltekst.

Bratteteig, T. & I. Wagner: Disentangling power and decision-making in participatory design, 2012. ACM: Proceedings of PDC. Fulltekst.

Extra readings

Benyon, D., K. H??k & L. Nigay: Spaces of interaction, 2010. ACM, Proceedings of the 2010 ACM-BCS Visions of Computer Science Conference: . Fulltekst.

Fitzpatrick, G.: Integrated care and the working record, 2004. Health Informatics Journal, Vol. 10, No. 4, 291-302. Fulltekst.

Flores, F., Graves, M., Hartfield, B,. Winograd, T.: Computer Systems and the Design of Organizational Interaction, 1988. ACM. Fulltekst.

Grinter, R.E.: From workplace to development: what have we learned so far and where do we go?, 1997. Proceedings of the international ACM SIGGROUP conference on Supporting group work : the integration challenge: the integration challenge (Group' 97), pp. 231 - 240 . online at ACM Digital Library .

Olivier, H. & N. Pinkward (2007): Collaborative Virtual Environments - Hype or Hope for CSCW?, IfI Technical Report Series. IfI-07-14. Department of Informatics. Clausthal University of Technology. Online access via Das Institut für Informatik, TU Clausthal..

Perin, C.: Electronic social fields in bureaucracies, 1991. Communications of the ACM, Vol. 34 (12), pp. 74-82. Online access at The ACM Digital Library.

Plowman, L., Rogers, Y. & Ramage, M.: What Are Workplace Studies For?, 1995. Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, September 10-14, Stockholm, Sweden: 309-324. Fulltekst.

Robertson, T. : The Public Availability of Actions and Artefacts, 2010. Computer supporter cooperative work (CSCW), 11 (3-4): 299-316. Volume 11, number 3-4, pp. 299-316. Fulltekst.


Publisert 19. jan. 2014 18:37 - Sist endret 2. mai 2014 14:10