Project Work INF5210 (Autumn 2013)

General information:

All students must participate in a group project. Each group should consist of 4-5 students, and the group should work on one case ?an existing or planned information infrastructure. There are 2 group deliverables, and 1 individual from the project. All must be passed before exam (pass/not pass). Those who do not pass these deliverables will not be considered for the exam.


- The document must appear professional (with a cover page with the project name and the name(s) of each group member, table of content, page numbering, references etc.)

- you do not need to include any transcripts in the deliverable

- Use proper referencing

- Language on the report : English.

- When the report is submitted, you (and your group) are accepting the guidelines for mandatory assignments given by the department of informatics (IFI)(/english/studies/admin/compulsory-activities/mn-ifi-mandatory.html/ )

Note: The cover page, table of content, appendix and references is excluded from the number of pages that is mandatory.


- Presentation on the delivery date (in class)

- use a presentation tool (for example power point)

- Each group gets 10 minutes (and additional 5 minutes will be used for discussion/questions if necessary)


The report must be in pdf format if it is to be accepted, Deliver the report to the following email address:

The email must have the heading/subject field: [INF5210] ? Deliverable [number] (for example: [INF5210] ? Deliverable 1)


Deliverable 1 (Group) (October 16th)

Describe the case as an Information Infrastructure (II) in use or under planning/development. Define what makes an II, and how your case can be described as such. Describe the complexity of the case in terms of its openness, heterogeneity etc. You may give particular attention to one or a few concepts (from the course literature) that are particularly relevant related to your case. Discuss shortly how the II theory matches your case. Are there any unexpected issues or mismatches between case and theory?

The case description should at least be based on one interview with a person involved with the II in addition to other, secondary sources. We expect you to follow sound academic standards of writing. The interview should be conducted and documented accordingly. Reference what articles you base your analysis on, and where you position your own writing in relation to the course material.

Report of circa 10-15 pages to be submitted in by 16th October at 12.00 by email.

Separate presentation in seminar group on Wednesday 16th October


Deliverable 2 (Group) (November 6th)

Identify challenges related to actual or potential change of the II (e.g. redesign, further growth, improvements). Describe the strategies that have been used and/or alternative strategies that could be used (to establish or to further develop/improve the II ). Discuss and evaluate the strategies based on the course concepts (you are expected to use the course literature actively and explicitly).

This part builds on deliverable no. 1, in total the document should now be extended to max 25 pages.

Report to be submitted by 6th November at 12.00 by email.

Separate presentation in group seminar Wednesday November 6th


Deliverable 3 (Individual) (November 20th)

Select three or more of the project cases and/or cases from literature (Final group reports will be made available). Briefly introduce the cases and compare similarities and differences across them. Reflect on to what extent the II theory and concepts are useful to understand the cases, to identify core challenges and to suggest strategies.

Report of circa 5 pages to be submitted by devilry by Wednesday November 20th at 12.00, No Presentation

Devilry link: