
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
28.08.2003Judith Gregory? ? Introduction to INF-QUAL? -Interviewing exercise (in class) -Discussion of assignement (passive observation) -Assignment: Passive (Non-Participant) Observation in a Public Place Post your field notes via email?
03.09.2003Judith Gregory? ? Overview of Qualitative Research Methods; Introduction to Action Research? Readings in textbooks:

Creswell: Chapters 1, 2, 3

Silverman (Interpreting...): Ch. 1

Field exercise: 1rst observation -- post notes via email?

11.09.2003Judith Gregory; Hans Gallis & Jarle Petter Kasbo (guest lecture)? ? Guest Lecture: Contextual Inquiry in the KNOWMOBILE Project; Research Topics: Introduction to Research Design: What is a Case?; Unit of analysis in qualitative research; intermediate concept construction; Discussion of first and second observations? Readings in textbooks (continue): additional readings on Action Research (IFI Bibliotek)

Readings: Contextual Inquiry

2nd observation -- post notes via email

Assignment: Interview: Exploring Identity: interview without recording (notes only)?

19.09.2003Judith Gregory? ? Multiple perspectives on a common object of inquiry? Readings in textbooks (continue)

"Designing Case Studies" (Yin), handout in class; additional readings about Interviewing, Observations

Interview summary: Exploring Identity -- post via email

Assignment: Second interview -- audio recording, with notes?

25.09.2003Judith Gregory; Tore Christian Skobbe (guest lecture)? ? Guest Lecture: Legacy Systems and Systems Development in Mozambique; Reserch Topics: Ethics in Qualitative Research & Relations in Research? Readings on ethics, handouts in class

Second interview summary -- post by email

Working groups to post statement of themes for field research, via email?

02.10.2003Judith Gregory? ? Discussion of Interviews: Exploring Identity and Interviews with/without Audio recording; Fieldwork requirements; Review of Field Reseach Plans; Orientation to 'memo writing'? Additional readings about Research Design, Interviewing, and Memo Writing?
09.10.2003Anders Kluge (guest lecturer); Ole Sm?rdal (guest lecturer)? INFRA lab, InterMedia, FP II? Guest lecture: Video analysis of Interactive Users (PHD research in progress); Guest presentation & orientation (hands-on) to digital video recording, editing, video analysis, and production onthe web? Additional readings at IFI Bibliotek

Field Sites: Walk-throughs/orientations; Interviews in the field; Observations; Analysis of 'texts' (web sites, key articles or documents, analysis of IS)?

16.11.2003Gisle Hannemyr (guest lecture); Ola Gr?stad (guest lecture)? Room 208, FP II; Multi-Media Communication Lab, Room 4-379, FP II? Guest lecture: Notes on On-Line Research; Guest presentation & orientation: Software for Qualitative Research? Additional readings at IFI Bibliotek

Field work: continue?

23.01.2003Judith Gregory? ? Status of fieldwork in working groups; Analysis of a 'text,' semiotic analysis? ?
30.10.2003Judith Gregory? Room 208, FP II (lower level)? Conceptual framing (alternative conceptual frameworks); How to create composite & distinct 'pictures' from the field research; Information mapping (examples)? Readings in Silverman: Chapter 5: Texts, Chapter 7: Visual Images.

Also see Chapter 6: Naturally Occurring Talk.

Additional readings in IFI Bibliotek & handouts ('hands-on' readings & overviews on particular methods).

Prelminary schedule for presentations on 13.11 and 20.11?

31.10.2003Judith Gregory? 8:30-10:00, Room 208, FP II (lower level) ? PHD students meeting? To go over PHD students' plans for:

Critique of a PhD dissertation (methods, methodology, generation of knowledge in relation to research problem & research questions)

Schedule for presentations of in-progress data analysis and/or concepts/theoretical framing for PhD research?

04.11.2003Judith Gregory? 10:15-12:00, Room 208, FP II ? Ways of Thinking about Data & Data Analysis; Theoretical Sensitivity; Reliability & Validity in Qualitative Research? PLEASE NOTE: THIS SESSION IS RESCHEDULED FROM 6 NOV. THERE IS NO SESSION ON 6 NOV.

Paragraph for your final written report, due 4.11 by email

Discuss -- requirements for individual written reports (exam for the course) -- Set schedule for presentations from analytical memos (based on fieldwork in working groups)?

13.11.2003Judith Gregory? 9:15-12:30, Room 208, FP II (lower level)? Presentations of analytic memos, by individuals clustered in working groups? Analytic memos due at time of presentation

9:15-10:15 Users telling their 'find' stories - P?l, Joachim, Nina, Terese


10:25-11:10 Net-Based learning - Ola, Carl Petter Electronic Newspaper Delivery Guide, Odd-Wiking


11:20-11:50 HIV/AIDS - Belete, Narendra?

20.11.2003Judith Gregory? 9:00-12:00, Room 208, FP II ? Presentations of analytic memos, by individuals clustered in working groups ? PLEASE NOTE 9:00 START TIME

Analytic memos due at time of presentation

9:00-10:15 Usability group - Annette, Anne Birgit, Frank, Honest, Aud-Marie


10:25-11:10 Process Improvement - ?ste, Tanja, Hanne


11:20-11:50 Electronic Patient Record - Bente, Anders HIV/AIDS - Yohannes ?

20.11.2003Judith Gregory? 13:00-16:00, Room 208, FP II ? Presentations of analytic memos, by individuals clustered in working groups ? 3rd Presentation session Analytic memos due at time of presentation

13:00-14:15 Open Source in high schools - Endre, Annika, Ole Petter, Vivek, Thomas


14:25-15:10 GIS - Arne Morten, Solomon, Woinshet

15:15-16:00 WAP Survey-John, Bj?rn, Rose?

21.11.2003Judith Gregory? 8:30-10:00, Room 208, FP II ? PHD students meeting? In-progress data analysis from PhD research



27.11.2003Judith Gregory? 9:15-11:00, Room 208, FP II? Summing up & Feedback? Discussion of final papers (any questions)

Feedback for the course going forward


28.11.2003Judith Gregory? 8:30-10:00, Room 208, FP II ? PHD students meeting ? In-progress data analysis from PhD research

Arne Morten will present his critique-in-progress of the PhD Thesis by S. Puri, "The Challenges for Participation and Knowledge in GIS Implementation for Land Management: Case Studies from India."

Discussion round on PhD researchers' plans for final essays; critiques (in progress); plans and ideas for articles and research going forward.?

05.12.2003Judith Gregory? ? Draft written reports are due (optional); PHD students only--critique of PhD thesis due? For PHD students only: Critique of a recent PHD dissertation is due, to be posted via email

Posting a draft-for-review is optional (not required), if you want comments for finishing the final written report.

Draft must be posted via email.?

05.12.2003Judith Gregory? 8:30-10:00, Room 208, FP II ? PHD students meeting ? PhD research-in-progress.

Discussion of critiques of PhD dissertations

Discussion round on PhD researchers' plans for final essays; critiques (in progress); plans and ideas for articles and research going forward. ?

17.12.2003Judith Gregory? ? Exam due? Must be posted via email

Declaration can be left in my mailbox in IFI Ekspedisjon or my mailbox in InterMedia reception area, FP II?

Published June 27, 2003 4:51 PM - Last modified Sep. 15, 2004 12:31 PM