Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
02.09.2004Judith Gregory? Room 208, FP II? Introduction to INF-5220: - Interviewing exercise - Discussion of assignments #1 & #2 (passive observations) - Research Topics: Overview of Qualitative Research Methods ? Reading/Assignments:


  • Creswell: Chapters 1, 2 and 3
  • Silverman (Interpreting...): Ch. 1


  • Assignment #1: Passive (Non-Participant) Observation in a Public PlacePost your field notes via email
09.09.2004Guest Lecture: Knut Hegna; Jennifer Blechar? Room 208, FP II? IFI Bibliotek? Reading/Assignments:
  • Assignment #2: Observation, Field notes documentationPost your field notes via email
16.09.2004Judith Gregory? Room 208, FP II? Introduction to Research Design: - Discussion of first and second observations & field notes - Research topics: Action Research, Introduction to Research Design: What is a case? Unit of analysis in qualitative research; Intermediate concept construction ? Reading/Assignments:


  • Readings in textbook (continue)


  • Interview: Exploring Identity; interview without recording (notes only)
23.09.2004Judith Gregory? Room 208, FP II? Discussion of interview #1: Exploring Identity; Research topics ? Ethics in Qualitative Research and relations in research ? Access for field research & research agreements; Working Groups: Discuss themes & ideas for possible field research ? Reading/Assignments:


  • Creswell, Part II: chapters 4, 5 + 6
  • Silverman: chapter 9

  • Ethics readings (handouts in class)


  • Interview #1 summary and reflectionPost summaries via email
30.09.2004Judith Gregory? Room 208, FP II? Discussion of interview #1: Exploring Identity; Research Topics: ? Multiple perspectives on a common object of inquiry ? Considering human and non-human actors, actor-networks? Multiple perspectives within a field research team (cross-cultural, multi-disciplinary, multi-professional) ? Multiple perspectives of different actors in the field; Form Working Groups ? Discuss themes & ideas for possible field research ? Readings/Assignments:


  • Continue readings in textbooks
  • Additional readings will be handed out in class


  • Interview #2: audio recording, with notes
07.10.2004Judith Gregory? Room 208, FP II? Discussion of interviews conducted with and without recording; Working group meetings ? Planning for Field Site Visits ? Problem formulation; formulation of research questions; research plans and research approach ? Readings/Assignments:


  • Readings will be assigned
  • Additional readings will be handed out in class (IFI library has additional copies)


  • Interview #1: summary and reflection – all are due 14/10 : Post by email
  • Working groups to post statements of themes for field research


14.10.2004Judith Gregory? Room 208, FP II? Discussion of first & second interviews, audio-recorded (comparative reflections); Research topics: ? Analysis of a ‘text’, documents & material culture ? Semiotic analysis ? Analysis of Information Systems ? Integrative mechanisms: how to create composite and distinct analytic ‘pictures’ from the field research; Discussion of readings; Field work requirements ? Discussion of field work requirements ? Orientation to ‘memo writing’; Review of Field Research plans ? Access for field research ? Planning for interviewing in the field: formulation of questions? Readings/Assignments:


  • Additional readings about Interviewing, Observations, Action Research, Case Studies(will be handed out in class)


  • Interview #2: summary and reflections – all are due 21/10: Post by email
  • Field Sites: Walk-throughs or Orientations; Interviews in the Field; Observations; Analysis of ‘texts’ (web sites, key articles, documents)
21.10.2004Guest Lecture: Ole Sm?rdal, Intermedia; Jennifer Blechar? Room 208, FP II? “Use of Video in Design Oriented Research”; Orientation (hands-on) digital video recording, editing, video analysis, and production on the web; Exercise in class: creating ‘video scenarios’. ? Readings/Assignments:


  • Readings in textbook (Silverman)
  • Additional readings available at IFI Bibliotek, ask at the front desk


  • Field Sites: Walk-throughs or Orientations; Interviews in the Field; Observations; Analysis of ‘texts’ (web sites, key articles, documents)
  • [Within your working group: Post interview summaries & reflections, field notes, ’memos’ & read each others’ notes]
28.10.2004Guest Lecture: Gisle Hannemyr; Judith Gregory? Room 208, FP II? Notes on On-line Research; Norwegian research requirements for privacy of individuals & reporting; Research Topics ? Interviewing: an exercise ? Conceptual framing ? Discussion of readings; Working groups ? Discussion round: ? Readings/Assignments:


  • Readings in textbook (Silverman)
  • Additional readings —will be available at IFI Bibliotek, ask at the front desk


  • Field work: continue
04.11.2004Guest Lecture: Anders Kluge and Hans Gallis & Jarle Petter Kasbo; Jennifer Blechar? Room 208, FP II? Discussion round: status of field research; Individual reports: requirements (exam for course); 9:30 - Hans Gallis and Jarle Petter - Contextual Inquiry in the KNOWMOBIL project; 10:45 Anders Kluge - Video analysis of Interactive Users (PHD research in progress)? Readings/Assignments:


  • Readings in textbook (Silverman)
  • Contextual Inquiry (overview article) and e.g. KNOWMOBILE field report, A Contextual Inquiry (handouts in class)


  • Field sites: wrap up
11.11.2004Guest Lecture: Elisabeth Jakobsen; Judith Gregory ? Room 208, FP II? Discussion of requirements for individual written reports (exam for the course); Discussion of analyses of ‘texts’, documents, IS; Discussion of readings; Working groups: ? Memo writing --any questions ? Discuss presentation plans ? Set presentation schedule; 10:00 Guest lecture: Elisabeth Jakobsen "All I want is a system that works": Evaluation of the health information, Elisabeth Jakobsen and Ann Kristin H. Johansen, IFI Master thesis spring 2004? Readings/Assignments:


  • Readings in textbooks (Creswell, Silverman)
  • Additional readings on Theoretical Sensitivity; Reliability and Validity; Reflexive Interpretation –will be available at IFI Bibliotek, at front desk


  • Memo writing: preliminary analysis of field observations and materials
  • Paragraph and outline for your individual written report, post by email
18.11.2004Judith Gregory? Room 208, FP II ? Working groups ? Presentation preparation; Ways of Thinking about Data & Data Analysis -- grounded theory (coding) -- intermediate concept construction --analysis of interactions; conversation analysis; discourse analysis --actor-network analysis? Readings/Assignments:


  • Silverman Chapter 10
  • Analytic memos are due at the time of presentations
  • Paragraph and outline for your individual written report, post by email
25.11.2004Judith Gregory, Jennifer Blechar? Room 208, FP II? *Please note class starts at 9AM sharp!* -Presentations & critiques of analytic memos, by individuals, clustered in working groups: Pop-Up Actor Group (9:00 Egil, 9:15 Karen, 9:30 Charlotte); Handheld Mobile Applications Group (10:00 Sara, 10:15 Omar, 10:30 Kristine); M-Services Group (11:00 Jennifer, 11:15 Tho); New IT Implementations Group (11:30 Kirsti)? Readings/Assignments:


  • Analytic memos are due at the time of presentations
02.12.2004Judith Gregory, Jennifer Blechar? Room 208, FP II? * Please note class starts at 9AM sharp!* Presentations & critiques of analytic memos, by individuals, clustered in working groups: HISP/DHIS-IT In developing Countries Group (9:00 Shegaw, 9:15 Veronica, 9:30 Kristoffer, 9:45 Farhad); Global Software Development Group-India/Norway (10:00 Irwan); EPR group (10:15 Marciel); User Interfaces Evaluation Group (10:45 Frank, 11:00 ?rjan, 11:15 Kjersti V., 11:30 Kjersti S.)? Readings/Assignments:


  • Draft individual written reports are due 6 December – must be posted by email

Note: Posting a draft-for-review is optional, up to you if you want comments for final paper

Special Announcement

If you are interested in electronic patient journals and hospital information systems, you are welcome to attend a special overview presentation on Electronic Patient Journal development at Rikshospitalet, by Ivar Berge, IT leader at the hospital. Anyone interested is welcome to attend.

Overview of EPJ development at Rikshospitalet by Ivar Berge, IT Department, Rikshospitalet and EPR research group, IFI 3 December, Friday 10-12:00 Room 205, FP II

We (the Electronic Patient Record research group) would also like to attract a few more Master students to the research group, so this will give you a chance to think about this as a Master thesis topic.?

09.12.2004? ? No Class - Extra time to work on final papers? Special Announcement

Baltazar Chilundo, M.D. PhD Disputas 10:15 - 9 December 'Intergrating Information Systems of Disease-Specific Health Programmes in Low Income Countires: the Case Study of Mozambique'

Auditorium 3 (blue), RIKSHOSPITALET All are welcome to attend


16.12.2004Judith Gregory, Jennifer Blechar? ? CLASS CANCELLED? ?
Published Sep. 23, 2004 5:12 PM - Last modified Dec. 15, 2004 5:08 PM