Dato | Undervises av | Sted | Tema | Kommentarer / ressurser |
22.08.2012 | Sisse Finken? | OJD 3438 Seminarrom Calm? | Introduction to the course and qualitative research? | Mandatory: Chap. 1 in Crang and Cook Additional: Latour (1999)? |
29.08.2012 | Sisse Finken? | KN 2116 (store aud)? | Overview of the field + intro to categories like positivist, interpretive, critical research? | Mandatory: Myers (living version): "Qualitative Research in Information Systems" + Klein & Myers (1999) Additionals: Silverman (1998) + Myers & Avison (2002)? |
05.09.2012 | Sisse Finken? | OJD 3438 Seminarrom Caml? | Conducting fieldwork. Generating material part 1. Observation, interview, fieldnotes, documents? | Mandatory: Chap. 4 + 5 in Crang & Cook. Additionals: Chap 6 in Crang and Cook; Button & Sharrock (2009); Graver, Dunne & Pacenti (1999) Submit exercise 1 to Hanne Cecilie? |
12.09.2011 | Sisse Finken? | OJD 3438 Seminarrom Caml? | Conducting fieldwork. Generating material, part 2. Photographs, audio, video? | Mandatory: Chap. 7 in Crang and Cook + Mancini et al. (2010) "Contravision: Exploring users' reactions to futuristic technology" Additional: Blauhut & Buur (2009); Monahan (2008); Harper (2005); Suchmann and Trigg (1991) Questions by group 8 (Mancini) Feed-back on exercise 1 Submit exercise 2 to Hanne Cecilie? |
19.09.2012 | Gisle Hannemyr? | OJD 3438 Seminarrom Caml? | Ethics + privacy in research online and offline? | Mandatory: Chap. 3 in Crang & Cook + Markham (2005) Additional: Clifford (2005) Guest Lecture by Gisle Hannemyr on legal aspects of field work and internet research. Feed-back on exercise 2 Submit exercise 3 to Hanne Cecilie? |
26.09.2012 | Sisse Finken? | KN 2116 (Store aud)? | Ethnography, positioning the researcher? | Mandatory: Each group member chooses a text to be presented and discussed in groups: Chap. 2 in Crang and Cook + Randall et al. (2007) + chap 5 in Wolcott (2010) + Shilton (2012) + Blomberg et al. (1993) Additionals: van der Wall (2009); Forsythe (1999); Hughes, King, Rodden & Andersen (1994); Harper (2000); Schultze (2000) Feedback on exercise 3 Submit exercise 4 to Hanne Cecilie ? |
03.10.2012 | ? | ? | Project work? | Start working on your Research Proposals? |
10.10.2012 | Sisse Finken? | OJD 3438 Seminarrom Caml? | Action Research? | Mandatory: Sykes & Treleaven (2009) + Checkland & Holwell (1998) Additional: Foth (2006); Callén et al. (2009); Avison, Lau, Myers & Nielsen (1999); Baskervill & Wood-Harper (2002) Questions by group group 2 (Sykes & Treleaven) and group 7 (Checkland & Howell) Feed-back on exercise 4 (+ questions for RP, which is due next week)? |
17.10.2012 | Sisse Finken? | OJD Seminarrom CAML ? | A field study? | Movie: Kitchen Stories by Bent Hamer Submit 1st version of your RP to Hanne Cecilie lecture 14:15 - ca. 16:30? |
24.10.2012 | Sisse Finken? | OJD 3438 Seminarrom Caml? | Case Studies? | Mandatory: Stake (2005) + Baxter & Jack (2008) Additionals: Flybjerg (2006); Walsham (2006); Walsham (2002); Geertz (1972); Lee & Baskerville (2003) Questions by group 5 (Stake) and group 6 (Baxter & Jack) Midterm evaluation of the course Feedback on RP1? |
31.10.2012 | Wilhelm Damsleth. Sisse Finken? | OJD 3438 Seminarrom Caml? | Grounded Theory. Analyzing data + quality in qualitative research? | Mandatory: Chap. 8 in Crang and Cook + Charmaz (2005) Additionals: Thoresen (1999); Strauss, Fagerhaugh, Suczek & Wiener (1985); Emerson, Fretz & Shaw (1995) Questions by group 12 (Charmaz)? |
07.11.2012 | Sisse Finken? | OJD 3438 Seminarrom Caml? | Social Media? | Mandatory: Guimar?es Jr (2005) + Reyes & Finken (2012) Additional: Leander & Mckim (2003); Markham (2005); Brown & Bell (2004) Questions by group 4 (Guimar?es Jr) and group 3 (Reyes & Finken) Submit 2nd version of your RP to Hanne Cecilie? |
14.11.2012 | Sisse Finken.? | OJD 3438 Seminarrom Caml? | Writing it up, part 1. How to structure written work? | Mandatory: Chap. 9 (p. 150-177) in Crang & Cook Questions by group 10 in C&C Feedback on RP2? |
21.11.2012 | Sisse Finken.? | OJD 3438 Seminarrom Caml? | Writing it up, part 2. Representation? | Mandatory: Chap. 9 (p. 177-206) in Crang and Cook + S?rensen (revised version of 2002) Questions by group 11 (C&C) and group 9 (S?rensen) Movie: Representation and the Media featuring Stuart Hall? |
23.11.2012 | Sisse Finken? | 7166 M?terom DESIGN/LNS from 9:15-12:00? | Phd mini-seminar? | Presentation of phd-projects (short presentation) + how the chosen extra litteratur relates to or are relevant for your projects.? |
23.11.2012 | ? | ? | Deadline RP? | Turn in your final RP on November 25 at 2PM. The submitted RPs are not to exceed 10 pages (+/- 1) including table of content and biography (excl. appendix) + they should be set in Times New Roman 12, 1.5 spacing. Mail your RP to
28.11.2012 | Sisse Finken? | OJD 3438 - Seminarrom Caml? | Oral presentations of PR in class from 14:00 - 17:00? | Please listen to, learn from and ask good question to your fellow students.? |
05.12.2012 | Sisse Finken? | OJD 3438 Seminarrom Caml? | Sum up on course, preparing for the exam? | Quiz, fruits and pulling it together? |
11.12.2012 | Oral exam? | Place to be announced later? | ? | Oral exam: letter-grade system A-F ? |
12.12.2012 | Oral exam? | Place to be announced later ? | ? | Oral exam: letter-grade system A-F ? |
13.12.2012 | Oral exam? | Place to be announced later ? | ? | Oral exam: letter-grade system A-F ? |
Published June 25, 2012 12:55 PM
- Last modified Nov. 29, 2012 2:31 PM