
Dato Undervises av Sted Tema Kommentarer / ressurser
22.08.2012 Sisse Finken? OJD 3438 Seminarrom Calm? Introduction to the course and qualitative research? Mandatory: Chap. 1 in Crang and Cook

Additional: Latour (1999)?

29.08.2012 Sisse Finken? KN 2116 (store aud)? Overview of the field + intro to categories like positivist, interpretive, critical research? Mandatory: Myers (living version): "Qualitative Research in Information Systems" + Klein & Myers (1999)

Additionals: Silverman (1998) + Myers & Avison (2002)?

05.09.2012 Sisse Finken? OJD 3438 Seminarrom Caml? Conducting fieldwork. Generating material part 1. Observation, interview, fieldnotes, documents? Mandatory: Chap. 4 + 5 in Crang & Cook.

Additionals: Chap 6 in Crang and Cook; Button & Sharrock (2009); Graver, Dunne & Pacenti (1999)

Submit exercise 1 to Hanne Cecilie?

12.09.2011 Sisse Finken? OJD 3438 Seminarrom Caml? Conducting fieldwork. Generating material, part 2. Photographs, audio, video? Mandatory: Chap. 7 in Crang and Cook + Mancini et al. (2010) "Contravision: Exploring users' reactions to futuristic technology"

Additional: Blauhut & Buur (2009); Monahan (2008); Harper (2005); Suchmann and Trigg (1991)

Questions by group 8 (Mancini)

Feed-back on exercise 1

Submit exercise 2 to Hanne Cecilie?

19.09.2012 Gisle Hannemyr? OJD 3438 Seminarrom Caml? Ethics + privacy in research online and offline? Mandatory: Chap. 3 in Crang & Cook + Markham (2005)

Additional: Clifford (2005)

Guest Lecture by Gisle Hannemyr on legal aspects of field work and internet research.

Feed-back on exercise 2

Submit exercise 3 to Hanne Cecilie?

26.09.2012 Sisse Finken? KN 2116 (Store aud)? Ethnography, positioning the researcher? Mandatory: Each group member chooses a text to be presented and discussed in groups: Chap. 2 in Crang and Cook + Randall et al. (2007) + chap 5 in Wolcott (2010) + Shilton (2012) + Blomberg et al. (1993)

Additionals: van der Wall (2009); Forsythe (1999); Hughes, King, Rodden & Andersen (1994); Harper (2000); Schultze (2000)

Feedback on exercise 3

Submit exercise 4 to Hanne Cecilie ?

03.10.2012 ? ? Project work? Start working on your Research Proposals?
10.10.2012 Sisse Finken? OJD 3438 Seminarrom Caml? Action Research? Mandatory: Sykes & Treleaven (2009) + Checkland & Holwell (1998)

Additional: Foth (2006); Callén et al. (2009); Avison, Lau, Myers & Nielsen (1999); Baskervill & Wood-Harper (2002)

Questions by group group 2 (Sykes & Treleaven) and group 7 (Checkland & Howell)

Feed-back on exercise 4 (+ questions for RP, which is due next week)?

17.10.2012 Sisse Finken? OJD Seminarrom CAML ? A field study? Movie: Kitchen Stories by Bent Hamer

Submit 1st version of your RP to Hanne Cecilie

lecture 14:15 - ca. 16:30?

24.10.2012 Sisse Finken? OJD 3438 Seminarrom Caml? Case Studies? Mandatory: Stake (2005) + Baxter & Jack (2008)

Additionals: Flybjerg (2006); Walsham (2006); Walsham (2002); Geertz (1972); Lee & Baskerville (2003)

Questions by group 5 (Stake) and group 6 (Baxter & Jack)

Midterm evaluation of the course

Feedback on RP1?

31.10.2012 Wilhelm Damsleth. Sisse Finken? OJD 3438 Seminarrom Caml? Grounded Theory. Analyzing data + quality in qualitative research? Mandatory: Chap. 8 in Crang and Cook + Charmaz (2005)

Additionals: Thoresen (1999); Strauss, Fagerhaugh, Suczek & Wiener (1985); Emerson, Fretz & Shaw (1995)

Questions by group 12 (Charmaz)?

07.11.2012 Sisse Finken? OJD 3438 Seminarrom Caml? Social Media? Mandatory: Guimar?es Jr (2005) + Reyes & Finken (2012)

Additional: Leander & Mckim (2003); Markham (2005); Brown & Bell (2004)

Questions by group 4 (Guimar?es Jr) and group 3 (Reyes & Finken)

Submit 2nd version of your RP to Hanne Cecilie?

14.11.2012 Sisse Finken.? OJD 3438 Seminarrom Caml? Writing it up, part 1. How to structure written work? Mandatory: Chap. 9 (p. 150-177) in Crang & Cook

Questions by group 10 in C&C

Feedback on RP2?

21.11.2012 Sisse Finken.? OJD 3438 Seminarrom Caml? Writing it up, part 2. Representation? Mandatory: Chap. 9 (p. 177-206) in Crang and Cook + S?rensen (revised version of 2002)

Questions by group 11 (C&C) and group 9 (S?rensen)

Movie: Representation and the Media featuring Stuart Hall?

23.11.2012 Sisse Finken? 7166 M?terom DESIGN/LNS from 9:15-12:00? Phd mini-seminar? Presentation of phd-projects (short presentation) + how the chosen extra litteratur relates to or are relevant for your projects.?
23.11.2012 ? ? Deadline RP? Turn in your final RP on November 25 at 2PM. The submitted RPs are not to exceed 10 pages (+/- 1) including table of content and biography (excl. appendix) + they should be set in Times New Roman 12, 1.5 spacing. Mail your RP to
  • Sisse
  • Hanne Cecilie
28.11.2012 Sisse Finken? OJD 3438 - Seminarrom Caml? Oral presentations of PR in class from 14:00 - 17:00? Please listen to, learn from and ask good question to your fellow students.?
05.12.2012 Sisse Finken? OJD 3438 Seminarrom Caml? Sum up on course, preparing for the exam? Quiz, fruits and pulling it together?
11.12.2012 Oral exam? Place to be announced later? ? Oral exam: letter-grade system A-F ?
12.12.2012 Oral exam? Place to be announced later ? ? Oral exam: letter-grade system A-F ?
13.12.2012 Oral exam? Place to be announced later ? ? Oral exam: letter-grade system A-F ?
Published June 25, 2012 12:55 PM - Last modified Nov. 29, 2012 2:31 PM