Information about the exam

You are invited as a group to present your project first for about 20 minutes, followed by a questions and a discussion.  Please make sure that your presentation is readily available; for example by uploading it in advance to vortex.  Your presentation for the exam can be either in Norwegian or English. Hani, Jo and the Sensor will be present during the exam.  If you are interested in listening in to another group during their exam - you are welcome to do so.

Monday 30 November; room Shell

0900 – 0945 JourneySwipe

0950 - 1035 Bevy

1040 – 1125 Happy Touring

1130 – 1215 InQ

1220 – 1305 aMuzing

Wednesday 2 December, room Shell

0900 – 0945 Lighthouse

0950 - 1035 MuseumWanderer

1040 – 1125 Wasteless

1130 – 1215 WhoAreYou (and How are you?)

Published Nov. 16, 2015 9:32 PM - Last modified Dec. 3, 2015 2:18 PM