Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
21.01.2009Jo? ? Introduction? Welcome
  • expectation
  • structure
  • projects
28.01.2009Daniel? ? Establishing projects? Project presentation - and project establishment
  • previous projects
  • own ideas (master projects, interest)
  • universal design - and mobile, inspiration
  • developing countries and mobile services, inspiration
  • Tourism, semantic web, inspiration or contact Ingvar.Tjostheim at nr.no
04.02.2009Jo/alle? ? ?
  • establishing projects
  • about the wonder document (what, when, why, where, how, who...)
  • presentations of projects and papers - dates
  • feathery: soft mobile terminal
06.02.2009nil? ? delivery - wonderdocument - vortex? (before 23:59:00)?
11.02.2009Jo/alle? ? ?
  • Feedback about the wonder documents
  • at 14:45 Jon and ?yvind (master students) present a survey about the use of position /location. Foils are here
  • planning session - who presents when....
  • Project: ?
  • Paper: ?
  • Feathery (light as a feather): Context aware terminal
16.02.2009nil? ? Feedback - wonder documents? ?
18.02.2009nil? ? winter sports holiday? ?
25.02.2009Jo/all? ? ? ?
04.03.2009Jo/alle? ? ?
  • Project: Bluetooth messaging services
  • Paper: Schilit, B., Hilbert D., Trevor, J.: Context-Aware Communication, 2002, IEEE Wireless Communications.
  • Feathery: MobileFilm
11.03.2009Jo/all? ? ?
  • Project: Speilrefleks
  • Paper: Jung, H., Stolterman, E., Ryan, W., Thompson, T., Siegel, M: Toward a framework for ecologies of artifacts: how are digital artifacts interconnected within a personal life? , ACM.
  • Project: Universal Design
  • Paper: report from a seminar about UU
  • Feathery: NIL
13.03.2009nil? ? delivery - mid term report - vortex? ?
18.03.2009Jo/all? ? ? ?
25.03.2009Alle/Jo? ? ?
  • Project: Android
  • Paper: Rheingold: Look who's talking, 2001. Wired magazine 7-01.
  • Feathery: livescribe
01.04.2009Alle/Jo? ? feedback - mid term report? ?
08.04.2009Alle/Jo? ? Easter holiday? ?
15.04.2009All/Daniel? ? ? ?
22.04.2009All/Jo? ? ? ?
29.04.2009All/Jo? ? ? Last session; questions about final delivery, exam - welcome.?
05.05.2009nil? Vortex? Delivery - final report? ?
Published Jan. 5, 2008 7:13 PM - Last modified Apr. 22, 2009 5:46 PM