
Published May 26, 2008 1:59 PM

See the following link for exam instructions. The "examinable material" link points to the same document you received by email earlier.

Exam instructions

Examinable Material

Published May 2, 2008 3:12 AM

Just a reminder of the new lecture dates on May 6th and May 13th. See the lecture plan for details

Published Apr. 7, 2008 1:56 PM

Tomorrow's lecture(April 8th) has been cancelled. The "Aspect Weaving" presentation will be given on April 22nd instead.

Published Apr. 2, 2008 4:57 PM

Associate Professor Hein Meling from the University of Stavanger will holding a guest lecture for this course:

Time: Tuesday 29th of April 10:15-12:00

Title: Distributed Autonomous Fault Treatment

Place: M?terom Alfa&Omega, Informatikk bygningen, 4th floor

The lecture is open for everyone so bring your friends!

Published Apr. 2, 2008 4:52 PM

Tentative exam date is set to May 29 . We are awaiting confirmation of this date from the administration.

Published Apr. 1, 2008 4:02 AM

All presentations and most notes(04.03.08 missing) should now be up to date. Please visit the course wiki to add or edit notes. Notes are also linked from the detailed teaching plan.

Published Feb. 19, 2008 2:22 AM

The "Detailed Teaching Plan" is now updated with links to articles, presentations and notes. Please let me know if you notice any errors or omissions. -arlene

Published Jan. 10, 2008 4:15 PM

The first lecture will take place on 29 January.