Lecture plan, Signal processing in space and time (INF5410/INF9410), spring 2013

Note: The plan may be subject to changes during the semester

SH: Sverre Holm, AA: Andreas Austeng, (RH: Roy E Hansen - INF4480).

All Monday INF5410 lectures will be held in room 2458 "Postscript" in the Informatics Building ("Ole-Johan Dahls hus").
All Friday INF5410 lectures will be held in room 2453 "Perl" in the Informatics Building ("Ole-Johan Dahls hus").


Lectures highlighted in red are selected lectures of the course INF4480, Digital Signal Processing II. Students who haven't previously followed INF4480 or a similar course are recommended to attend these selected INF4480 lectures.


W Date Time   Theme Comments / resources
4 21.1 10.15-12 SH Introduction; Chap 1, Propagating waves; Chap 2.1-2, 2.3.1 Introduction, Waves
  22.1 10.15-12 RH Stochastic processes 1. Room: "2453 Perl"  
  25.1 10.15-12 SH  

Dispersion, Exercises: 1.1a, 1.2

  25.1 12.15-14 RH Stochastic processes 2. Room: "2452 Pascal"  
5 28.1 10.15-12 AA Apertures; chap 3.1


  29.1 10.15-12 RH Stochastic processes 3. Room: "2453 Perl"  
  1.2 10.15-12 SH Dispersion, attenuation, nonlinearity; chap 2.3 

Attenuationfractional derivative,

Ny metode for kreftsjekk rett rundt hj?rnet / New cancer detection method right around the corner

Exercises: (2.1), 2.2, 2.3, (2.4, 2.5, 2.6), 2.7

6 5.2 10.15-12 SH Refraction, diffraction; chap 2.4, 4D Fourier; chap 2.5 Nonlinearity, Refraction-diffraction
  6.2 10.15-12 RH Estimation theory 1. Room: "2452 Pascal"  
  8.2 10.15-12 SH   4D Fourier, Exercises: (2.8), 2.12, 2.14
  8.2 12.15-14 RH Estimation theory 2. Room: "2458 Postscript"  
7 11.2 12:15-14 SS    
  15.2 10.15-12 AA Apertures; chap 3.1 Foils, Chap 3
8 18.2 10.15-12 AA Apertures; chap 3.2-3.3  Exercises: 3.1, 3.3, 3.4
  22.2     Winter vacation  
9 25.2 10.15-12 AA Apertures, chap 3.3 Exercises: 3.6, 3.9
  1.3 10.15-12 AA  US scanning demo & Beamforming; chap 4  
10 4.3 10.15-12 AA Beamforming; chap 4  
  8.3 10.15-12 AA   Exercises: 3.17, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4
11 11.3 10.15-12 AA Beamforming: chap 4  
  15.3 10.15-12 AA    
12 18.3 10.15-12 AA Beamforming: chap 4 Exercises: 4.8, 4.11, 4.22
  22.3 10.15-12 AA SAR & SAS Foils
13       Easter holidays  
14 1.4        
  5.4 10.15-12 AA Review of Mandatory Assignment 1 + Adaptive bf; chap 7  
15 8.4 10.15-12 AA Adaptive bf; chap 7 Foils I
  12.4 10.15-12 AA Adaptive bf; chap 7  
16 15.4 10.15-12 AA Adaptive bf; chap 7

Foils II

  19.4 10.15-12 AA Adaptive bf; chap 7  
17 22.4     Adaptive bf; chap 7  
  26.4 10.15-12 AA,SH On our research; Thinned arrays and High resolution beamforming for medical ultrasound

Intro array opt.

Array optimization

Adaptive Beamforming

18 29.4     No planned lecture. Available if needed.  
  3.5 10.15-12   Deadline for Mandatory assignment 2.  
19 6.5     No planned lecture. Available if needed.  
  10.5     No planned lecture. Available if needed.  
20 13.5 10.15-12 AA Review of Mandatory Assignment 2 & Course review.  
  17.5     National Holiday Norway  
21 20.5     Pentecost Monday  
  24.5     No planned lecture. Available if needed.  
24 12.6     Oral exams