Syllabus/achievement requirements

Syllabus/achievement requirements for INF5410

1. Curriculum

  1. D. H. Johnson and D. E. Dudgeon: Array Signal Processing: Concepts and Techniques, 1993. Pentice Hall. ISBN: ISBN-10: 0130485136, ISBN-13: 9780130485137.
    • Chapter 1
    • Chapter 2.1-7, except 2.4.2
    • Chapter 3: Everything except 3.2.3
    • Chapter 4: 4.1-4, only first part of 4.5 (137-139), 4.6 (not parabolic resolution), except 4.7-4.8 (chap. 4.9 is included)
    • Chapter 7: Cursory 7.1, 7.2, 7.3.1-7.3.4, (cursory 7.3.5), 7.4
  2. S. Holm, Waves in Complex Media. A Constitutive Equation Approach version 0.5, 12 January 2017
    • Chapters 1 and 2.1-2.4 
  3. S. Holm, Lecture Notes for INF5410, Chapter 2 of Johnson & Dudgeon: Array Signal Processing, Concepts & Techniques version 1.1, 12 January 2017
  4. J. Nelson Wright: Image Formation in Diagnostic Ultrasound, pages 8-22. Fulltext.
  5. H. Krim, M. Viberg: Two decades of array signal processing research - The parametric approach, July 1996. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine. pp. 67-94. The mandatory curriculum for the course consists of the page intervals 67-76 and 85-88. Link to IEEEXplore.
  6. A. Currie: Synthetic aperture radar, August 1991. Electronics & Communication Engineering Journal. Ch 1: Cursory, Ch 2, "Rationale behind SAR imaging" is included, the rest of ch. 2: "Matched filtering" and "SAR Data Processing": cursory. Ch. 4: "Future developments:" Cursory. Link to ieeexplore.

2. Support litterature:

Syllabus/achievement requirements for INF9410

The following contents are syllabus / achievement requirements that regard the PhD students or others that follow the course INF9410. Note: They come in addition to the syllabus / achievement requirements of INF5410:

1. Extra curriculum: Papers/work from our research

  1. S. Holm, Waves in Complex Media. A Constitutive Equation Approach version 0.5, 12 January 2017
    • Chapters 2.5-2.6 
  2. S. Holm, A. Austeng, K. Iranpour and J. F. Hopperstad: Sparse sampling in array processing, chapter 19 in "Sampling theory and practice" (F. Marvasti Ed.), Plenum, New York , pp. 787-833, 2001, Comment: This chapter complements chapters 3.3.5-6 Sparse and random arrays
  3. J.-F. Synnev?g, A. Austeng, and S. Holm, "Adaptive beamforming applied to medical ultrasound imaging," IEEE Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelect., Freq. Contr., pp. 1606-1613, Aug. 2007 ,
  4. J.-F. Synnev?g, A. Austeng, and S. Holm, ”Benefits of minimum Variance Beamforming in Medical Ultrasound Imaging”, IEEE Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelect., Freq. Contr., pp. 1868-1879, Sept. 2009, Comment: The last two papers complement chapters 7.2.1 Minimum variance beamforming, 7.3.4 Signal coherence, and 7.4.3 Robust Constrained Optimization and show how these methods work in one particular application. As an aid in understanding these papers, it is recommended that problem 7.17 be solved.

2. Mandatory exercises

All problems, even voluntary ones for the ordinary INF5410 student, must be answered.

Miscellaneous: support computer programs

User-adjustable Java applet computer simulation of waves propagating from one or multiple sources. A nice illustration of e.g. the far-field limit and monopole/dipole source differences: follow link (applet opens in new window)

Miscellaneous: keyword summary on conventional and adaptive beamforming

Note: the keyword summary list for conventional and adaptive beamforming given below is not a complete list of subjects that may be covered on the exam. Regard it only as an aid in your preparation process. Please follow this link to download the keyword list as a PDF document.

Publisert 2. mai 2017 13:38 - Sist endret 2. mai 2017 13:38