Pong P. Chu: RTL Hardware design using VHDL, 2006. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN: 0-471-72092-5. Chapter 9.1-3, 9.5, 11, 12.1-5 & 16.7-11.
Jan Rabaey: Low Power Design Essentials , 2009. Springer. ISBN:?978-0-387-71712-8. Selected book slides: Chapter 1: 2, 5-6, 21-23, 25-28, 31, 34; Chapter 3: 4, 12-14, 22-26, 37, 40, 44; Chapter 4: 4-7, 25, 28; Chapter 5: 1-16, 19, 21-23, 26, 28-43, 45, 47-69; Chapter 6: 4-5, 30-33; Chapter 8: 4-14; Chapter 10: 3, 5, 7-8, 13-15, 19-21, 56; Chapter 12: 4, 7, 15, 18-20, 23-27.
Israel Koren: Computer Arithmetic Algorithms, 2nd Edition, 2002. A K Peters, Ltd. ISBN:?1-56881-160-8. Chapter 3.2-4 (s. 39-50), Chapter 5.11 (s. 124-129), Chapter 6.1-4 (s. 141-165), Chapter 7.1 (s. 181-187), 7.5 (s. 206-208), Chapter 8.1-2 (s. 213-221).
Christophe Bobda: Introduction to Reconfigurable Computing, 2007. Springer. ISBN:?978-1-4020-6088-5. Chapter 1 (Introduction), Chapter 9 (Applications). http://www.springerlink.com/content/978-1-4020-6088-5.
Janick Bergeron: Writing Testbenches; Functional Verification of HDL models; Second Edition, 2003. Kluwer. ISBN:?1-4020-7401-8. Chapter 3: The Verification Plan.
Cardoso, Diniz and Weinhardt: Compiling for Reconfigurable Computing: A Survey, 2010. ACM. (s 12-30). http://www-adm.uio.no/studier/emner/matnat/ifi/INF5430/v11/undervisningsmateriale/curriculum/Cardoso%2C%20Diniz%2C%20Weinhardt%20-%202010%20-%20Compiling%20for%20reconfigurable%20computing.pdf?vrtx=admin.
Lecture slides. Published on INF5430 detailed semester plan web page.
Lab assignments (lab 1 & lab 2),