
Publisert 18. juni 2016 12:48

Hi everyone.

    It took a little longer getting the grades ready, sorry.

And I had problems finding the correct e-mail for each of you, so
instead I have put your grade in as feedback for Home Exam II in delivry.

So, go to devilry and check your feedback.

The grade given is the combined grade for Home Exam I, Home Exam II, and
the oral exam.


Publisert 9. juni 2016 12:47

Hi. I will hold a Question and Answer section on June 15th, at 4pm.

I will also be giving tips for the oral exam.

Sincerely, Eric

Navn: Exam information meeting for INF5510
Id: 16v-ERICBJ-1

Dato(er) og tid:
15.06.2016, 16:00-17:00

Ole-Johan Dahls hus: Seminarrom Perl

Publisert 8. juni 2016 14:23

I have now uploaded all the whiteboard pictures that I have.

I have added comments on what the pictures shows to some of the pictures.



Publisert 8. juni 2016 14:06

Home Exam 2: Devilry now open for submissions

Publisert 7. juni 2016 11:33

Give your time preferences in the doodle below.

No promises!  But I will try to fulfill your preferences.

DEADLINE: Friday noon, June 10th, 2016




Publisert 1. juni 2016 17:08

I have now put the 2016 version of the exam questions on the course web site.

Note that they are essentially identical to last year's questions.



Publisert 19. mai 2016 08:58

Here is a link to Lamport article.


Publisert 19. mai 2016 08:56

Pictures from Lecture F5 2016-05-10 Uploaded

Publisert 16. mai 2016 17:09

Home Exam 2 2016 is now on the web site.

Sorry for the delay!



Publisert 15. mai 2016 19:18

One of you has been kind enought to call my attention to the fact that I have FORGOTTEN to put up home exam 2!

This should happen very soon.

In the meantime, IF you want to start working on it, look at LAST YEAR's home exam 2 - this year will be almost identical to last year's.




PS. I guess, I owe ANOTHER beer.


Publisert 11. mai 2016 13:39

I have now opened for submission of Home Exam 1 2016 on Devilry.




Publisert 10. mai 2016 12:49

Dear students.    ROOM CHANGE!!! ROOM CHANGE!!!

I have been somewhat overloaded, which means that I will have to start the lecture late - I should be there by 13:30. There has been a misunderstanding with the room, so I have found an empty room - that I hope will stay empty...

So let us start at 13:30 in OJD 10167 - it is at the northeastern corner of the building.




Publisert 8. mai 2016 00:05

Due to unforseen circumstances, I have to postpone the start of the lecture on Tuesday until 13:00. I expect to finish by 17:00.




Publisert 3. mai 2016 11:30

Fifth lecture will be May 10th, at 13:00. Room to be determined.

NOTE: Time has been CHANGED: start at 13:00 and continue to approximately 17:00.




Publisert 25. apr. 2016 12:24

Hey, when I've been correcting the obligatory assignment two I have discovered that some of the students have had their code copied to remote nodes or more explicit, the planetlab nodes.

This can be considered as cheating and you should be extremely careful about your obligatory assignment answers and where you put them.

As a result from this I will use the code on the planetlab nodes and check for plagiarism through "diff" with these codefiles.

Publisert 19. apr. 2016 14:39

Home Exam 1 2016 is now on the web site.


Have fun!



Publisert 14. apr. 2016 10:44

Hey, as I mentioned in yesterdays group session I'd maybe hold another group session tomorrow Friday April the 15th - and I will. I will hold it in class-room Assembly on the third floor at 14:15 for two hours. This to help with obligatory assignment two.

Publisert 8. apr. 2016 15:01

Fourth lecture will take place April 18th at 10.15.

Publisert 30. mars 2016 12:09

If you go to the Planetlab link you'll notice there's an update regarding known available nodes - them being :

I want to thank the eager students for finding this out.

Publisert 16. mars 2016 10:56

If you do not have an enabled Planet-lab account yet, please sign up asap.

Instructions at:

IMPORTANT: You must use University of Copenhagen, DIKU as the site - that is were I am the Principal Investigator - and thus have the necessary rights to enable your account.


Have fun!



Publisert 16. mars 2016 10:53

Mandatory Assignment no. 2 has been put on the web site.

Link to Code Examples added to web site.


Publisert 14. mars 2016 10:23

Third lecture March 14th, 2016  DELAYED UNTIL 13:00!

Due to illness ;-(


Publisert 11. mars 2016 10:10

Today 11.03, 12.15 - 14.15 we will have an extra group lecture at room: Assembler 3rd floor South wing(above the SIO-cafeteria).

(edit) I see that I wrote 10:15 - 14:15, which was a mistake, as it said in the previous message it's from 12:15 - 14:15. I appologize for that incase someone met up at 10:15. 

Publisert 10. mars 2016 14:16

Hey, there will be held an extra group lecture tomorrow from 12:15 to 14:15, to help students with the mandatory assignment.

I will notify you which room later.