Beskjeder - Side 2

Publisert 16. feb. 2017 12:57

It has come to our attention that the new and improved '97 language report does not conform with the implementation of emerald found at: /studier/emner/matnat/ifi/INF5510/v15/installing.html

Please use the older '91 report found at: /studier/emner/matnat/ifi/INF5510/v15/materials_guide/Report.pdf

Publisert 12. feb. 2017 09:47

Obliq 1 PDF has been posted on the web site

Post questions on "Obliq1" in the Piazza forum.



Publisert 12. feb. 2017 09:07

I have created a Piazza forum for INF5510.

Please sign up:

Post questions to the TA and me in Piazza.

Have fun.



Publisert 9. feb. 2017 21:50

Lecture material from the lectures is available in the menu on the left.

Click on "Lectures-v17" (either right here, or on the menu on the left).

This will display ALL the files for ALL lectures.

To merely see the files related to a single lecture, click on the lecture number in the menu on the left.



Publisert 9. feb. 2017 18:46

As agreed, we will have a long lecture Friday:

February 10th, 2017 10.15-12, 13.15-ca 15.15 (might start at 13.15, if there is no conflict with other courses). Room: Postscript OJD 2453.

The room is just to the left if you enter by the revolving door at the second level entry to OJDs Hus.

See you there!



Publisert 7. feb. 2017 17:21


As agreed at the lecture last week, here is a Doodle for trying to find a new time slot for the gruppetimer.

I have set it up, so that it represents next week BUT I will assume that your also vote for the same time slots in the weeks to come.

You can vote either Yes, or No, or If-need-be for each time slot.

We will discuss the result during the second hour of the two lectures tomorrow, Wednesday February 8th, 2017. So vote before then :)



Publisert 20. jan. 2017 11:02

The next lectures:

February 1st, 2017 10-12 in Java, OJD 2423

February 8th, 2017 10-12 in Java, OJD 2423

February 10th, 2017 10.15-12, 13.15-ca 15.15 (might start at 13.15, if there is no conflict with other courses). Room: Postscript 2453



Publisert 18. jan. 2017 13:26

I have uploaded the SP&E article and the Emerald Language Report (revised 1997).

Find them under the Resource link to the right.



Publisert 16. jan. 2017 21:35

There will be NO lecture during week 4, 2017, i.e., the week of January 23rd to January 29th, 2017.



Publisert 12. jan. 2017 21:17

Hi everyone in INF5510.

First, a warm welcome - the first lecture is January 18th, at 10:15am - 12noon in Java, OJD.

And then a lot of practical information:

This is a learning-by-doing course - I lecture, but lots of what you will learn, you will learn by doing, i.e., writing programs. And running them on a real distributed system - not just a few machines in the basement of Ole-Johan Dahls Hus, but computer distributed all over the world (well, most of the world - not Antartica - but all other continents :) ).

The course format is that I lecture intensively at the start of the course - so that you have enough info to get to some real programming. So I will not follow the traditional 2hours/week format, but rather grab some long days - we will discuss this at the first lecture.

The web site for the V?r 2017 version of the course is under construction, but the course will look very MUCH like last year - if it is not broken, don't fix...