Hints for Oral Exam Question 7

Dear All.

Exam question 7 is known as one of the most tedious questions because it is full of details that are easy to get confused about in the midst of an oral exam.

My suggestion is that IF you draw this question then first say a few general words about how to move then use my example from the May 24th lecture.

First describe the memory layout on the two nodes BEFORE the move, then describe what is sent as part of the move then describe the memory layout AFTER the move.

Feel free to simply use a printout of my example - you do NOT have to bring it to the exam: I will have printouts of the example at the exam :)

Please also note that the material from lecture F10 is listed between F1 and F2 because the web site sorts alphabetically!



Publisert 2. juni 2017 13:34 - Sist endret 2. juni 2017 13:34