Beskjeder - Side 2

Publisert 7. mars 2018 11:32

Next lecture is March 21st.

Next gruppetime is March 8th (tomorrow).


Publisert 7. mars 2018 11:27

Oblig2 uploaded.

The work-around for call-by-visit will be explained at the gruppetimer session tomorrow.

Have fun!



Publisert 7. mars 2018 10:52

Hi everyone, SORRY, I had a calender glitch and so today's lecture should be at a later date! I will update the TIMEPLAN asap (I have to get the admin to do this).



Publisert 21. feb. 2018 18:06

Dear students,

The plan for the exercise session tomorrow is to make sure you're up-and-running on PlanetLab, and walk through the last couple of exercises from Exercise Set 2.

See you tomorrow at Perl,

Publisert 21. feb. 2018 16:35

Dear students,

Following the discussion on Piazza, I have updated the guide on how to run Emerald on PlanetLab.

The notable difference is that the Emerald compiler and runtime now come pre-installed as ec32 and emx32, respectively, on the following machines:



Publisert 21. feb. 2018 16:05

Dear students,

I have uploaded some notes on solving Exercise Set 2, based on our exercise session, including solutions to MovingMan and Watchdog. You will find them here.

Please note, these solutions only make sense in the light of having one Emerald on multiple hosts. You will see this working on either PlanetLab, or if you start start up multiple Docker containers on your machine.


Publisert 16. feb. 2018 16:13

Dear all,

sorry, I uploaded the wrong file for oblig1 - not that it makes all that much difference, but at least now you have the deadline for 2018.




Publisert 14. feb. 2018 08:23

Unfortunately, I have to cancel today's lecture due to a health issue.
Next lecture will be February 21st as scheduled.

If you have questions concerning the oblig or anything else, please use Piazza.


Publisert 8. feb. 2018 20:57

Dear students,

You can now join our discussion forum on Piazza, and post questions there, if you run into trouble in-between exercise sessions.

Talk to you there,

Publisert 8. feb. 2018 09:35

The first exercise set is available under ?velser/2. The exercise session is today at 10:15 at Perl. See you there.

Publisert 2. feb. 2018 18:11

F3 lecture material 2018 uploaded including whiteboard pictures.




Publisert 1. feb. 2018 20:05

Dear students,

I have uploaded some notes on solving Exercise Set 1, based on our exercise session last Thursday. You will find them here.


Publisert 25. jan. 2018 14:54

The remaining lectures have now been scheduled.

The schedule is unchanged compared to what I posted earlier, but see Timeplan anyway, just to be sure!



Publisert 25. jan. 2018 14:51

F2 lecture material uploaded




Publisert 25. jan. 2018 07:59

The first exercise set is available under ?velser/1. The exercise session is today at 10:15 at Perl. See you there.

Publisert 24. jan. 2018 09:44

Second lecture: today at 10:15 - 12 in Perl

Publisert 19. jan. 2018 11:38

Lecture times and date have still not been confirmed - sorry.

However, I will take a chance and tell you about my request for scheduling:


Onsdage 10-12:

17/1, 24/1, 31/1, 14/2, 21/2, 7/3, 23/5

Fredage 10-16:

9/2, 2/3, 13/4


I hope that the above times will HOLD



Publisert 18. jan. 2018 21:27

The lecture material from lecture F1 on 2018-01-17 has been uploaded.

Find it on the course web page for this semester (v18).

Click on the link on the left of the web page "Lecture-V18".


Publisert 13. jan. 2018 14:59


The first lecture has - finally - been scheduled. It will be on Wednesday January 17th, 2018 at IFI in OJD 2453 Seminarrom Perl, starting at 10:15am.

You do NOT need to read anything beforehand - I will give an overview of the course and the course material on Wednesday. IF you really want to start reading, start with Emerald: A General Purpose Programming Language.

We now have a Teaching Assistant, Oleks Shturmov,

He is a Ph.D. student in the PSE group, is Danish of Ukrainian origins, speaks Danish, English, Ukrainian, and Russian.

See you on Wednesday!


Publisert 29. des. 2017 13:37



Merry Christmas :)

Welcome to my course on Distributed Objects - INF5510.

This is a learning-by-doing course, so you will be doing a lot of programming - in an object-oriented language specifically designed for distributed computing.

If you want to learn more details, the course web pages will be populated with contents early in January - until then you are welcome to peek at the pages from Spring 2017 (V?r 2017).

For some reason, the administration at IFI still have not scheduled our lecture rooms; I hope this will happen soon!

For now, I expect the lectures to be some Wednesdays, 2 hours some time between 10 and 14. And three full Fridays from 10-16.

We have a teaching assistant that will hold 2 hour sessions on some Thursdays 10-12. The first session is January 25th, 2018. Thereafter the TA session is usually every OTHER Thursday.

The TA's name is Oleks - he, like me, speaks fluent Danish and English...