A quick run-down of the actually available PlanetLab machines

You might have noticed that there are a whopping 374 machines in the diku_inf5510 slice on PlanetLab. Unfortunately, running through the list, I could only log in into 36 of them (with a timeout of 5 seconds from IFI), and 3 of those did not allow "arbitrary" outgoing traffic, and so are not great either.

Overall, here are the 33/374 machines where I think you should be able to install Emerald, and run your experiments (along with their location according to the GeoLite Country dataset from MAXMIND):

  • iraplab1.iralab.uni-karlsruhe.de , Germany
  • iraplab2.iralab.uni-karlsruhe.de , Germany
  • netissime2.planet-lab.eu , France
  • node1.planetlab.mathcs.emory.edu , United States
  • node2.planetlab.mathcs.emory.edu , United States
  • nuc1.planet-lab.eu , France
  • pl1.rcc.uottawa.ca , Canada
  • planetlab-04.cs.princeton.edu , United States
  • planetlab1.cesnet.cz , Czech Republic
  • planetlab1.dtc.umn.edu , United States
  • planetlab-1.ing.unimo.it , Italy
  • planetlab2.cs.ubc.ca , Canada
  • planetlab2.cs.unc.edu , United States
  • planetlab2.dtc.umn.edu , United States
  • planetlab2.inf.ethz.ch , Switzerland
  • planetlab2.upm.ro , Romania
  • planetlab3.cesnet.cz , Czech Republic
  • planetlab3.eecs.umich.edu , United States
  • planetlab4.mini.pw.edu.pl , Poland
  • planetlab4.postel.org , United States
  • planetlab4.williams.edu , United States
  • planetlab-5.eecs.cwru.edu , United States
  • planetlab5.eecs.umich.edu , United States
  • planetlab5.williams.edu , United States
  • planetlabone.ccs.neu.edu , United States
  • planetvs2.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de , Germany
  • ple1.cesnet.cz , Czech Republic
  • ple2.cesnet.cz , Czech Republic
  • ple2.planet-lab.eu , France
  • plink.cs.uwaterloo.ca , Canada
  • pl-node-1.technion.ac.il , Israel
  • pl-node-2.technion.ac.il , Israel
  • saturn.planetlab.carleton.ca , Canada
Publisert 8. mars 2018 17:05 - Sist endret 8. mars 2018 17:10