Legal issues regarding the INF5510 exam

The admin at IFI has found that, technically, the legal basis for callng two of the INF5510 assignments for "Home Exam" is not in place :-(

HE1 and HE2 will be evaluated at the oral exam.
The grade given at  the oral exam will be given based on 
the evaluation on HE1 and HE2 and your answers to the questions at the
oral exam.
The three parts will have approximately equal weight.

In practice, there is little change - you still have to do the two assignments and they will still influence your final grade. Home Exam 1 has been renamed Oblig 3 (HE1) and Home Exam 2 has been renamed Oblig 4 (HE2).



Publisert 3. mai 2018 11:06 - Sist endret 3. mai 2018 11:06