Oral Exam time slots

Oral Exam June 13th - place to be announced (somewhere in OJD).

PLEASE SHOW UP at least one half hour before - you *may* be called in up to 30 minutes BEFORE your time slot!

10.30  Birashanthan Tharmakulasingam (birashat)
14.30  Erik Bugge (erikbu)
09.30  Fridtjof Nystr?m (fridtjon)
11.00  Johannes A. Berg (johanabe)
12.00  Mikkel Marensius Bakken (mikkelmb)
15.00  Rodrigo Manuel de Mansilha Flaminio Ribeiro (rodrigmd)
11.30  Thomas Kristiansen (thomkri)
10.00  Tin Anh Nguyen (tinng)
14.00  Tomas Ritter (tomasri)

Publisert 11. juni 2018 13:32 - Sist endret 11. juni 2018 13:32