
Dato Undervises av Sted Tema Kommentarer / ressurser
22.08.2012 Alma Culén  Introduction  Introduction to the course. Project "User Experience", through different lenses 
30.08.2012 Alma Culén  Møterom   Design-HCI  Discussing Research Through Design as a Method in HCI. Slides. The predecessor paper by Fallman is optional. The paper to read for next time (13.9) is Hassenzahl. I suppose you are familiar with Instructibles ( it may be a source of inspiration). 
05.09.2012 Timo Arnall  AHO  NFC  Near field communication will be introduced. 
13.09.2012 Alma Culen  Møterom  User experience design  Exhibit design 
19.09.2012   Simula, Sintef, IFI lab  User Experience Event  Observing the users interacting with exhibits. Observing how they are channeled, what goes as planned and what does not and why. 
27.09.2012       No lecture 
11.10.2012 Alma Culen  møterom  Play  Experience design knyttes til play, fun, happiness. Relevant material is in the class folder marked October 11. 
18.10.2012 Alma Culen  møterom  Design research and education  The topic is of interest for this course in general, but for us in particular in the view of experience with designing the exhibit inthe lab. Papers will be in the folder October18. 
25.10.2012       Left free for possible paper writing 
01.11.2012 Alma Culen  møterom  multimodal and multisensory interactions  materials in the folder marked as Nov1. 
08.11.2012 Alma Culen    Service design  Folder Nov8, please watch Service Design, Løvlie
12.11.2012 AHO  AHO    start of the joint project 
Published Aug. 30, 2012 5:05 PM - Last modified Mar. 25, 2013 2:42 PM