Week 1/Week 3
- Research through Design in HCI. John Zimmerman and Jody Forlizzi, book chapter from Ways of Knowing in HCI, 2014
- [Optional] From Research Prototype to Research Product. Odom, W., Wakkary, R., Lim, Y., Desjardins, A., Banks, R., Hengeveld, B. (CHI ’16)
Week 2
- Making spaces: how design workbooks work. Bill Gaver. 2011 (CHI' 11) (Local Copy)
- Designing using scenario techniques/Form follows fiction. Aprile W., Boland B., Mirti S., book chapter from Interaction Design Primer (Vol.1)
- [Optional] On the Presentation and Production of Design Research Artifacts in HCI Research. Pierce, J. (DIS '14) (www.jamesjpierce.com/publications/pierce%20-%20design%20research%20artifacts.pdf)
Week 4
- Annotated portfolios. Bill Gaver and John Bowers. 2012. interactions 19, 4 (July 2012) (Local copy)