On Tuesday 11 Nov and …

On Tuesday 11 Nov and Wednesday 12 Nov there will be a mandatory round of project presentations where each student group presents their work so far.

Each group will do a 10 minute presentation + 5 min for questions from other groups and lab assistants.

The presentation must include (but is not limited to):

  • quick intro to your task / requirements
  • your ideas / draft solution on how to handle the task
  • a demo of your architectural spike (M2) (or major findings so far if the work is more exploratory)
  • plan forward towards the final release

Tuesday Nov 11:

  • Data browser
  • BIRT plugin
  • Data warehouse integration with DHIS 2
  • GIS integration with DHIS 2

Wednesday Nov 12:

  • Catchment population generation
  • Web service layer
  • Web client / module using the provided web services
  • Mobile integration
  • Profiling & Analysis
  • ETL (Kettle) integration

Published Nov. 7, 2008 5:31 PM - Last modified Dec. 9, 2008 4:48 PM