Projects for group work

This page describes the available projects for the group work. Projects 1-6 are based on DHIS 2, an open-source health information system used to collect, analyze, aggregate and present statistical health data, more info here: Projects 7-8 are based on Devilry, an open-source system for electronic deliveries, more info here: The latter projects require knowledge in J2EE technologies, which is an alternative to Spring based development. These projects are ideal for those of you who know Spring from before and want to learn a new set of technologies, based on the same principles you have learned in the course.

The project wiki can be found here.

Projects have been published here.


Available projects:


1. Catchment Population generation

2. Spring-based internationalization solution

3. Import of organisation units and hierarchy from Shapefiles

4. Objective data set completeness

5. Upgrade security solution to Spring Security

6. Import of meta-data from Excel workbooks

7. File transfer: Implement different kinds of file transfer-methods in a J2EE environment

 * Implement effective file transfer using standard J2EE components
 * Investigate and implement other possibilities (needs authorization, maybe HTTP)
 * Benchmark and analyze the different implementations, and write a report which should cover different use-cases and their preferred implementations

8. File storage: Investigate and implement best ways to handle file storage in a J2EE system

 * Implement server-side storage of file attachments (from deliveries)
    - Implement streaming to database
    - Implement local file storage (might require hacks, J2EE wants all storage in a db)
    - If time permits, implement using a secondary file server
  * Benchmark and analyze the different implementations, and write a report which should cover different use-cases and their preferred implementations