Group work

The goal of the group work is to deliver a solution good enough to be included in DHIS2. So from now on the course will be focussed on the groups working on their assigned tasks.


M1 - October 21st

The first week, every group/individual needs to:

  • Register on launchpad
  • Join the DHIS Academy team (note that I've created a new group and changed this url).
  • Create a branch for your project.
  • Create a wiki page describing the project.
  • Create blueprints for the project.
  • Every group member must do a commit to the group branch.

Basic tools

The version control system we use is bazaar, so you need to make sure you have a working installation in your environment. To be able to commit code to the central launchpad repository, you also need a ssh key pair and register your public key with your user on launchpad.

A guide to launchpad ssh keys on windows

Creating a branch for your project

To create your own branch, you roughly nee to do the following:

  • Register a new branch on the academy code page
  • Check out the trunk code
  • Push the checked out code to your newly created branch.
  • Link the branch from your wiki page

Create a wiki page describing the project

You are required to set up you wiki page with information about group members, introduction, detailed requirements, roadmap and milestones.

Creating blueprints in launchpad

Also, you must define some course grained blueprints for your work. It is hard to get it perfect at this time but it is still valuable to define sub-tasks, link them to milestones and allocate them to different group members. The project work requires active use of Lanchpad as it improves coordination between the group members and makes it easier to supervise you.

Link the blueprints you create from your wiki page, under their respective milestones.

M2 - November 4th

For milestone 2 the goal is for every group to have a working prototype solution for their task.

The types of tasks vary, of course, but each group should be able to show something in the lecture the coming Wednesday.

M3 - November 18th

After four weeks of work, the groups should have a working implementation of their solution. 

M4 - December 2nd

The projects should be finished, tested, approved, and of sufficient quality to be included in DHIS2.
Published Oct. 16, 2011 10:41 PM - Last modified Oct. 25, 2011 11:58 AM