Please submit the individual essay in Devilry before the deadline on 14th December. Follow the guidelines given on the link on the course page.
The group projects do not have an entry in Devilry. The presentation + wiki + your repository (publish the link on the Wiki) will be the basis for the grading of the group project.
We've had some reports that if you try to create an event using the /api/events API without putting a location into the JSON, you get a null pointer exception. If you get such an NPE, try adding a dummy location field in the events JSON.
There is a system user on DHIS2. The demo/dev servers have a user with userid system and password System123. If you create programs, you should use the system userid. When creating programs with other users, they will become private for that user.
It also seems that the admin user on demo has a changed password now. This should be reset tonight, but before that you can use the system user to log in.
Location support has now been added to the events API. This is not backported to 2.13, so you need to use trunk. You can download the war file from
Showing the person identifier has also been added to the events api (for programs with registration, i.e. that have a person). Searching for the person id is a larger job, so this fix will come some time next week. Until then, choose all patients and search the json for the ones you're looking for.
Update 1: some testing ongoing. Let us know if it doesn't work for you.
Due to a work-issue, our guest lecturer from Accenture had to move his lecture to the 18th November. On Monday 11th November we'll have a normal lecture in the normal lecture theatre.
The DHIS2 artifactory has been going down.
You can get the smslib from DHIS2 External repo, but for that you have to change the version number
This is currently mention in pom.xml in dhis-2
change it to:
There seems to be an issue with the apps upload on the demo server. The permissions on the new folders are not set correctly. Please report it to Lars Roland if you have this problem.
Here is a little intro to how to embed code into the HTML pages of DHIS2:
- You can use the DHIS2-Academy for sharing code within the group project. Check out
- For viewing the latest status of DHIS2 builds, you can check the continous build server
- When you're doing development in the group project, you can either just download DHIS2.war (if you are not going to do any DHIS2 changes) or you can base your code on DHIS 2.13 (this branch: lp:~dhis2-devs-core/dhis2/2.13) instead of trunk (lp:~dhis2) which is more unstable.
We'll be running lab sessions as normal now. Some topics for you to follow up is installations of DHIS2 as well as open web app development. If you've got questions about this, ask in the lab session. You may also want to email your group teacher or a lecturer in advance if there are specific questions, so they can look into the topic if necessary.
Three very specific topics to follow up are:
- Work with your group to document your project on the Wiki
- Install DHIS2 on your computer
- Try deploying a web app on DHIS2 (example app src). Make a simple one with a manifest file and some HTML (and even some Java script) and try deploying this on DHIS2.
For those who want a jump start on the group work, you could review the DHIS2 WEB API documentation. We'll spend some lectures going through this, but you'll pick it up faster by going through the documentation first. This web API is a good example of the types of APIs you may meet when developing web apps (or mobile apps) in your future career.
In week 43 (and possibly 44), the lab sessions will be replaced by introductions to group projects. This is the schedule. Make sure someone from your group is there for the relevant topic. Let us know if the time is very difficult for your group. Tue 1015-1100 (Modula) Embedding apps into tracker Tue 1100-1145 (Modula) Visualization Wed 1415-1500 (Modula) Geolocation data entry Wed 1500-1545 (Modula) Survey app Fri 1215-1300 (Modula) Social network integration Fri 1300-1345 (Modula) DHIS2 Discussion forum web app
The group assignments are now updated. Please see them here.
The WIKI for INF5750 is now ready. Please go to and start documenting your group projects.
The deadline for assignment 3 has been changed to 25th October, but I urge you all to try to deliver earlier. It is important that you start your group project early to be able to finish it, as it's considerably more difficult than the assignments.
Note that we've found some errors in the skeleton for assignment 3. A student found and fixed this himself, but we have now updated the skeleton project to include these fixes. See the assignment description for more information.
You all have to sign a declaration that you won't cheat for the assignments. It can be found here:
This is for the group project. It is not necessary for the assignments.
Because Simen is going to Rwanda for his master student field work, Namrata will take over as group teacher for him with immediate effect. Please direct all queries regarding group 3 (and 4) to Namrata.
- Group 3 - Tue 1015-1200
- Namrata Nehete -
I would like to thank Simen for his efforts as group teacher in the first part of the term, and we wish him a good trip to Rwanda.
To start preparing for the group projects, the lecture on 30th September will give an overview of DHIS2, HISP and it's history. The lecturer is Professor J?rn Braa, who is one of the founders of HISP and is recognized world wide as an authority on health information systems.
The devilry setup should now be working, so you can now submit a text file with the link to your repository as a delivery to Assignment 1 using the devilry tool: In addition you can email your group teacher with the link.
Please remember to submit within the deadline, which is Friday 13th, midnight.
Welcome to the INF5750 course. We, lecturers and group teachers, are looking forward to working with you this semester to make this a valuable course for you.
The first lecture is Monday 2nd september, and the lab sessions start the same week. The first individual assignment is due 13th September.
The schedule says there is a working group on 30th August, but this is not correct.