
Mandatory assignments

Note that all assignments must be passed before the given deadline in order to pass the course.

You are required to read and comprehend the guidelines for written mandatory assignments in English or in Norwegian .

Submission dates

Individual Assignment 1 : January 30, 23:59

Individual Assignment 2 + Provided source code : February 20, 23:59

Project Deliverable 1 (M1) : March 13, 23:59

Project Deliverable 2 (M2) : April 3, 23:59

Mandatory Presentation: April 22, 14:15.

Project Deliverable 3 (M3) : April 24, 23:59

Project Deliverable 4 (M4) : May 15, 23:59

Mandatory Presentation: June 3, 14:15.

Project Deliverable 5 (M5) : June 5, 23: 59

Individual Essay : Essay requirements : June 12, 23:59

Text books (recommended)

Justin Gehtland, Bruce A. Tate: Better, Faster, Lighter Java, 2004. O'Reilly. ISBN: 0-596-00676-4.

Rod Johnson, Juergen Hoeller: Expert One-on-One J2EE Development without EJB, 2004. Wrox Press. ISBN: 0764558315. Chapter 3, 6, 7, 10, 13, and 14. Book presentation on Wrox

Alternative references (free)

Spring in Action sample chapter Spring jump start

Spring framework documentation Official reference

Inversion of Control Containers and the Dependency Injection pattern By Martin Fowler

Version control with Subversion O'Reilly Media

Better builds with Maven DevZuz, need for registration

Maven documentation Easy-to-read guides

Hibernate in Action sample chapter Hibernate jump start

Hibernate documentation Official reference

JUnit in Action sample chapter JUnit jump start

JUnit documentation Books and FAQ

WebWork in Action sample chapter WebWork jump start

Published Jan. 20, 2009 6:10 PM - Last modified May 19, 2009 8:02 PM