Exam Case INF5761/INF9761: Whotopia HMIS

You can now download the Whotopia case description, which you will need to inspect in order to work on part 1 & 3 of your home exam. The submission deadline is the 14th of May. If you for some reason can not meet this deadline, please inform the course administrator at least one week in advance.

Please use a regular font like Times or Arial size 12. The submission should be in PDF format and should not contain the students name or other personal identification data - hence the evaluation of the assignments will be based on anonymous submissions through the Devilry online submission service. Please verify that you are in fact eligible for submission through the Devilry service before the actual submission deadline and contact the course administrator if you do not have the required access.

Published Mar. 22, 2013 10:18 AM - Last modified Mar. 22, 2013 9:13 PM