Emerging Infrastructure

We have established an email address inf5820-help@ifi.uio.no that will reach all instructors for this class. Please make it a habit to send all questions or feedback to this address, so as to reach everyone (and maximize the probability of a quick response :-).

Regarding computational infrastructure, please see our instructions for gaining access to Abel. Before the first laboratory session this coming Thursday, please make sure to have your account enabled—which can take a day or two, so why not submit the on-line form linked from our instructions immediately?

Finally, the slides from the kick-off lecture are now available from the course schedule page.  And in case you were curious about that ancient ‘RSS’ technology that was mentioned in the lecture, it appears that RSS readers can still be found.

Published Aug. 23, 2018 4:32 PM - Last modified Aug. 23, 2018 4:32 PM