Logic Semniar

There will be a logic seminar  next Thursday 10:15am (immediately before our lecture) where I will talk on computable analysis. This is a research seminar and it might be difficult to follow the talk, but maybe some of  you will like to come anyway (the first half an hour of the talk will not be very hard to follow). Below you find an announcement of the talk. The seminar will take place on the 9th floor (Informatikkbygget). It is easy to find the room if you take the elevator to the 9th floor.


LOGIC SEMINAR (February 18).

Irrational number, like e.g. \pi and e, are infinite objects and when we compute with such numbers we need to represent them by some sort of programs. I will give a talk on various representations of irrational numbers and how these representations relate to each other.

The talk will based on the paper

                 On Subrecursive Representability of Irrational Numbers.

The paper is accepted for publication in Computability (the journal of CiE), and you may download a preprint of the paper here:



The paper is rather technical (except for the first section), but my talk will be geared to a general audience of mathematicians and computer scientists.

Publisert 13. feb. 2016 14:41