
INF5850 fall 2018 is scheduled to run intensively over three weeks in October.

This Schedule is not final. Last updated 23.08.2018

INF5850 Schedule
Date Time Room Teacher Topic Resources
02.10.2018 09:15-11:00 C Sundeep Sahay Overall perspective on development approaches

Session 1 slides

Theories of development chapter 1, 2, and 4

Secondary reading:

World Development Report

03.10.2018 09:15-11:00 Shell Sundeep Sahay/Arunima Mukherjee Sen’s human development approach

Session 2 slides

Amartya Sen chapters 1 and 2

Arunima Mukherjee thesis excerpt

04.10.2018 09:15-11:00 Java Sundeep Sahay Castells and the network society

Session 3 slides

Rethinking development in the global information age

Valten: IDENTITY, STRUCTURE AND IDEOLOGY - Manuel Castells’ contribution to the identity policy discussion

Mosse and Sahay: The role of communication practices in the strengthening of counter networks: Case experiences from the health care sector of Mozambique

05.10.2018 12:15-14:00 Java Sundeep Sahay Evaluating development through realist approaches

Session 4 slides

Speigel et al: Tool, weapon, or white elephant? A realist analysis

Nick Tilley - Realistic evaluation: An overview

Jeffries et al. Understanding the implementation and adoption of a technological intervention to improve medication safety in primary care

09.10.2018 09:15-11:00 C Sundeep Sahay ICT perspective on development. Resilience, self-reliance

Session 5 slides

Ospina and Heeks: Linking ICTs and Climate Change Adaptation

Haldane et al: Health systems resilience

11.10.2018 09:15-11:00 Perl Sundeep Sahay Open source, appropriation and development

Designed in Shenzhen

Byrne et al: Understanding meaning and bridging divides

Lindtner: Hacking with Chinese Characteristics

Chan: Coding free software, coding free states

May: Escaping the TRIPS's trap

11.10.2018 12:15-14:00 Java Sundeep Sahay Social embeddedness of technology and development Citizen/civil society initiatives and Frugal innovation and development

Slides session 7 Social Embeddedness

Slides session 8 Frugal development

Gigler: Closing the feedback loop

Avgerou: Discourses on ICT and development

Madon, Sahay: An Information-Based Model of NGO Mediation for the Empowerment of Slum Dwellers in Bangalore

12.10.2018 12:15-14:00 Perl Johan Ivar S?b? Diffusion, translation, and technology transfer

Nhampossa thesis chapter 2 and 6

Information systems and developing countries: Failure, success, and local improvisations

The Zimbabwe Bush Pump. mechanics of a fluid technology

Located accountabilities in technology production

Technology transfer vs learning

Scaling of HIS in a global context: Same, same, but different

16.10.2018 09:15-11:00 C Petter Nielsen Digital innovation and development

Slides session 9

Frugal Digital Innovation and Living Labs: A Case Study of Innovation in Public Health in India (Sahay, Nielsen, Faujdar, Kumar and Mukherjeee, 2018)

Digital Innovation: A Research Agenda for Information Systems Research in Developing Countries (Nielsen, 2017)

Innovation in the Fringes of Software Ecosystems: The role of Socio-Technical Generativity (Msiska & Nielsen, 2017)

18.10.2018 09:15-11:00 Perl Sundeep Sahay Are ICTs building a better world?

Slides ICTs building a better world

Sahay: Are we Building a Better World with ICTs? Empirically Examining this Question in the Domain of Public Health in India

Qureshi: Are we making a Better World with Information and Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D) Research? Findings from the Field and Theory Building

Walsham: ICT4D Research: Reflections on History and Future Agenda

18.10.2018 12:15-14:00 Java Sundeep Sahay Course review  
19.10.2018 12:15-14:00 Java Sundeep Sahay Discussions on Exams G. Walsham: Are we making a better world with ICTs?


Published Aug. 23, 2018 2:46 PM - Last modified Oct. 16, 2018 12:43 PM