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Other relevant literature

Benestad, H.C. og Hannay, J.E.: Does the Prioritization Technique Affect Stakeholders’ Selection of Essential Software Product Features?, 2012. ESEM’12.

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Andersen, Jon Aarum: Ledelse og ledelsesteorier, 1995. Bedriftsøkonomens Forlag.

Andersen, Erling A.: Prosjektarbeid, 1990. NKI Forlaget.

Andersen, Niels Erik m.fl.: Professionel Systemudvikling, 1986. Teknisk Forlag.

Wadel, Cato: Ledelse som et mellommenneskelig forhold, 2003. SEEK, Flekkefjord.

Groth, Lars: Lederen, organisasjonen & informasjonsteknologien, 2005. Fagbokforlaget.

Levin, Morten & Roger Klev: Forandring som praksis, 2002. Fagbokforlaget.

Schrage, Michael: No more teams!, 1989. Currency Doubleday.

Busch, Tor & Jan Ole Vanebo: Organisasjon, Ledelse og motivasjon, 1995. Tano.

Wille, Gunnar E.: Kompetanseledelse, 2003. Tapir. Christensen, Søren & Kristian Kreiner: Prosjektledelse under usikkerhet, 1991. Universitetsforlaget.

Westhagen, Harald: Prosjektarbeid, 1984 . Universitetsforlaget.

Cornford, Tone & Steve Smithson: Project Research in Information Systems, 2006. Palgrave Macmillan.

Yourdon, Edward: Death March, 1997. Prentice-Hall.

Highsmith, Jim: Agile Software Development Ecosystems, 2002. Addison-Wesley.

Humphrey, Warrs S.: Managing technical people, 1997. Addison-Wesley.

Nielsen, Peter Axel & Karlheinz Kautz: Software Processes & Knowledge, 2008. Software Innovation Publisher, Aalborg University.

Reports on the management of Cloud Computing by Willcocks, Venters & Whitley (available at: :

Willcocks, Venters & Whitley (2012) - Cloud and the Future of Business: From Costs to Innovation - Part One: Promise

Willcocks, Venters & Whitley (2012) - Cloud and the Future of Business: From Costs to Innovation - Part Two: Challenges

Willcocks, Venters & Whitley (2012) - Cloud and the Future of Business: From Costs to Innovation - Part Three: Impact

Willcocks, Venters & Whitley (2012) - Cloud and the Future of Business: From Costs to Innovation - Part Four: Innovation

Willcocks, Venters & Whitley (2012) - Cloud and the Future of Business: From Costs to Innovation - Part Five: Management

Published Jan. 14, 2013 9:19 PM - Last modified May 13, 2013 10:50 AM
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