Exam Questions & Answers

Below are answers to questions we have received from various student.



Q: I wish to reply some of the questions in one paragraph because they build on each other. Shall I state in which sequence I answer the questions, or can I assume that the examiner will see that they  are answered even though the sequence may be different?

A: I recommend that you try to structure your answer according to the a) b) and c) structure given. If you wish to organize your answer differently, then just put one sentence saying this before you start your text.



Q: In the previous exams and the final lecture you mentioned max 3000 words, but on the assignment it says 2500 word. Is it 2500 words excluding references, table of contents etc.?

A: Yes, we reduced from 3000 words to 2500 words. References etc is not counted, and for this assignment you don't really need to put a table of contents, just put a heading like "Question 1, a)".



Q: Seeing as most of the exam questions are of the character "discuss" and "describe", I find this to be exceptionally short. What is the upper limit?

A: We have considered the length that is adequate for answering each questions and we strongly feel 2500 words is sufficient. We want you to be concise and to the point and address the question by focusing on the key concepts. What often happens when there is greater word limit is; people tend to bring in and discuss many concepts and ideas with hopes that at least one will be correct. Such answers will in most cases weaken your answer and affect your grade. Please keep in mind that more words doesn’t result in better grades. Also note that some questions may require more word than others.That said, if you still absolutely need more words to relay your point we would be willing to accommodate an upper limit of 3000 words.  



Q: It is somehow unclear which approaches you want us to discuss in question 1c.

A: You are asked to discuss the concepts and metaphors presented in the Ciborra's reading (specified in the exam) and discuss whether the approach can be combined with the project management methods presented in the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) document which is part of the course reading. 

Publisert 15. mai 2015 12:27 - Sist endret 18. mai 2015 10:20