Reading list

Some links to digital copies requires being on the university network ( is an easy way to achieve that)

This list should now be complete, but still lacking indigital copies.

Table of Contents:

What is IS theory?

Debate on Agency

Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, VOLUME 17, No. 1 (2005). (Issue page)

Theorizing technology


Theorizing Institutions

Theorizing Complexity


Theorizing knowledge

In preparation for the session, look at these pages: KnowledgeTraditional knowledgeWikipedia

During the morning session Maja will present one of her papers (work in progress - do not redistribute) and we will take Wikipedia as an example to theorise and discuss knowledge.

For the discussion, the proposal is to theorize knowledge in the context of our own PhD project, using one or more papers from the literature on knowledge.

 Theorizing development and globalization

Theorizing design


Provide an overview of important approaches to theorizing design in information systems research, particularly in the Scandinavian research on IS. As extra readings we have listed some of the papers first introducing a perspective, and we have included a recent debate about design science from the Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems.

Core readings

Extra readings

Theorizing use (use as work)


Present some important approaches to theorizing use of information systems and the interplay between the machine and the human (organization, work). We introduce the perspective that use is seen as work, and list some papers that apply this perspective. The extra readings include examples, some classic papers and a couple of papers discussing how understanding of use play a role in design.

Core readings

Extra readings

Theorizing participatory design and power


Provide knowledge about the basic ideas and principles of participatory design and how the Scandinavian PD researchers frame PD and participation. The core readings include both some classic papers that locate PD in a history and as a research field and some newer PD discussions. The extra readings include examples of PD papers + how PD relates to other similar design perspectives.

Core readings

Extra readings