Plan for final lectures and groups

We are almost through this year's curriculum. The plan for the next lectures are as follows:

May 4th: Inverse problems (chapter 9) + repetition exercises relevant for chapters 3 and 7. Approximately 45 mins lecture and 45 mins exercises. The first part of chapter 9 is closely related to the method of least squares, while the second part is new material related to the heat equation.

May 7th: Deadline mandatory assignment 2. Note that the deadline is at noon, therefore there will be no group session this week.

May 11th: Parallel computing (chapter 10) + repetition exercises (chapter 5++). Parallel computing is a large and rapidly evolving field, but there are some fundamental principles that are common to all the technical solutions. We focus on these.

May 14th: Holiday... no group session

May 18th: No new material. Possible presentation of previous exam, or you may suggest topics for repetition or clarification.

May 21st: 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6.

If needed we will do another group session to work with exams from previous years

Publisert 30. apr. 2015 15:21 - Sist endret 4. mai 2015 07:35