Semesterside for INF-MAT3370 - V?r 2012

I hope everyone had a good feeling after the exam! If you want to check, the solutions are on the webpage now. The results should be available next week. Have a nice, or even optimal, summer! [Final note: there was an error in the solutions (4a) for a while this morning, now corrected. Thanks to Stian for pointing this out!]

6. juni 2012 10:22

Eksamenoppgaver vil ogs? finnes p? norsk for de som m?tte ?nske det. (Exam text in Norwegian will be available, in addition to the English version.)

1. juni 2012 16:42

Last lecture was today! No group class May 17, but last class is May 24 (questions + work with prev.exams). GOOD LUCK with the exam!!

16. mai 2012 14:24