Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
19.01.2012Michael Floater? OJD 3438 Seminarrom Caml? Dahlquist and Bj?rk, Section 4.1. Introduction to interpolation? ?
26.01.2012Michael Floater? ? Section 4.2.1. Newton's interpolation formula? ?
02.02.2012Michael Floater? ? Sec. 4.2.3 Newton continued. Barycentric Lagrange interpolation? ?
09.02.2012Knut M?rken? ? 3.2.3 (198-200) (Chebyshev polymonials), 4.2.4 (iterative linear interpolation), 4.2.6 (Runge phenomenon), 4.3.1 (Hermite interpolation)? ?
16.02.2012Knut M?rken? ? 4.3.1. Hermite interpolation, divided differences, Genocchi-Hermite? Hand in Assignment 1: Review questions 4.1.1, 4.1.3, and 4.1.5, and Computer exercise 4.1.1.?
23.02.2012Michael Floater? ? Tutorial: Assignment 1.? ?
01.03.2012Michael Floater? ? Sec. 4.3.3. Rational interpolation? ?
08.03.2012Michael Floater? ? 4.3.4. Multidimensional interpolation ? Hand in Assignment 2: Review questions 4.2.5, 4.3.2. Computer exercise 4.3.12.?
15.03.2012Michael Floater? ? Tutorial: Assignment 2? ?
22.03.2012Michael Floater? ? 4.5.2. Weirstrass Approximation Theorem? ?
29.03.2012Michael Floater? ? 4.5.5. Mathematical properties of orthogonal polynomials? ?
05.04.2012Michael Floater? ? No lecture. Easter holiday? ?
12.04.2012Michael Floater? ? 4.5.7. Approximation in the max norm? Hand in Assignment 3. Computer exercise 4.3.9. Review question 4.5.2. Review question 4.5.8.?
19.04.2012Michael Floater? ? Tutorial: Assignment 3? ?
26.04.2012Michael Floater? ? 5.1.1 Interpolatory quadrature, 5.1.2 treating singularities, 5.1.3 Classical formulas ? ?
03.05.2012Michael Floater? ? 5.2.1 Euler-Mac Laurin, 5.1.4 Superconvergence of the Trapezoidal rule, 5.2.2 Romberg Integration, ? ?
10.05.2012Michael Floater? ? 5.3.2 Gauss rules? Hand in Assignment 4. Review question 5.1.3 Review question 5.3.1 Computer exercise 5.3.8

Gauss Quadrature?

24.05.2012Michael Floater? ? Tutorial: Assignment 4? ?
Publisert 9. jan. 2012 11:48 - Sist endret 11. mai 2012 12:45