INF-MAT9360 – Mathematical Optimization

Course content

The course treats selected topics in optimization. Possible topics include: combinatorial optimization, linear optimization (interior point methods) and nonlinear optimization. Usually the version with combinatorial optimization is taught, and it includes graph and network optimization and an introduction to polyhedral combinatorics.

Learning outcome

The goal of this course is for students to:

  • have knowledge of basic combinatorial optimization
  • be able to formulate practical problems as optimization problems and solve them using optimization software
  • be able to develop algorithms, exact and approximate
  • know basic theory of shortest paths, network flows and trees
  • understand relations between these combinatorial problems and linear optimization
  • understand the basic theory of polyhedra and polytopes

In addition, each PhD student will be given an extended curriculum within the field/research area of the course. The syllabus must be approved by the lecturer so that the student can be admitted to the final exam.


PhD candidates from the University of Oslo should apply for classes and register for examinations through Studentweb.

If a course has limited intake capacity, priority will be given to PhD candidates who follow an individual education plan where this particular course is included. Some national researchers’ schools may have specific rules for ranking applicants for courses with limited intake capacity.

PhD candidates who have been admitted to another higher education institution must apply for a position as a visiting student within a given deadline.


Recommended previous knowledge

Basic courses in introductory programming, calculus, and linear algebra. INF-MAT3370 – Linear optimization (discontinued) / INF-MAT4370 – Linear optimization (discontinued)

Overlapping courses

9 credits INF350


2 hours of lectures each week. Compulsory programming/problem solving exercises.


Final oral or written (4 hour) examination (depending on the number of students).

Grading scale

Grades are awarded on a scale from A to F, where A is the best grade and F is a fail. Read more about the grading system.

Resit an examination

Students who can document a valid reason for absence from the regular examination are offered a postponed examination at the beginning of the next semester.

Re-scheduled examinations are not offered to students who withdraw during, or did not pass the original examination.


Note that the first lecture is mandatory. The subject is regarded equal to INF350 when practicing exam regulations.

Course Auditor: Trond Steihaug

Facts about this course

Every autumn

This version of the subject will be held for the last time Autumn 2012. The course will continue as MAT-INF9110 Mathematical Optimization at the Department of Mathematics. There may be some minor changes in the curriculum.

Every autumn
Teaching language
Norwegian (English on request)