INF-STK 9010 presentation

Those students taking inf-stk 9010 will as an assignment make a presentation. It is time to decide which dataset you will present for us and the other students on April 30th. Preferably, you would present your own data and show the result of some of the analysis we have been through in the course on this dataset, however, other datasets can also be used. The presentation should last for approximately 15 minutes. To make sure that you chose a dataset where some of the methods taught in the course can be used, we want to know which data you want to present.

You will write a short summary of your dataset answering the questions:
- how many columns and rows do you have
- where the data come from
- what are the interesting questions to ask
- a tentative title of your presentation

You should also make sure that you can read your data into R, include a copy of some of the first rows and column in your dataset read into R. This should be maximum 1 page, and sent to before March 12th.

To be able to take the exam you have to pass the presentation of a dataset.

Published Mar. 5, 2014 2:08 PM - Last modified Mar. 5, 2014 2:14 PM