Several people asked me about …

Several people asked me about the oral exams. Here is a brief explanation.

Each group has one half-hour. The first ten minutes are reserved for the project presentation. You will have the Internet available. You may do a Powerpoint presentation or just use your website. It is good if everyone talks a bit, but that is up to you.

The remaining 20 minutes are individual questions and answers. Everyone will have a chance to talk. You are expected to know some basic things about information design which form the core material of the course, such as “What is information design?” and “What is graphic profiling?” The rest of the exam questions will be focused on your personal areas of choice (your personal itinerary).

Learn the basic from the lectures and lecture notes. For more information about Polyscopy read my articles available online under RESOURCES on the course website.

The grade will reflect 50% what you have learned from others and 50% what you have taught others. In other words, 50% is what you have taken in and 50% what you have produced. We will try to estimate this by using your project, your personal report and your project documentation and, of course, your performance on the oral. We do quite a bit of work going through all the materials and consider everything carefully.

You may take the exam in Norwegian or English.

The LOCATION of the orals: Monday May 30th, Tuesday May 31st and Wednesday June 1: Styrerommet at Ifi (two doors away from ‘Luka’ of Ifi administration, 2nd floor of Informatics Building). Wednesday, June 2: Store Auditorium, Ifi. Monday, June 6: Lille Auditorium, Ifi (Ground floor, close to entrance).

Finally, don’t allow the worrying about the grade spoil the fun. You will do best if you just enjoy the whole course, including the exam.

Good luck!


Published May 26, 2005 8:33 PM - Last modified May 29, 2005 11:22 PM