Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
23.08.2004Christian Holmboe? Ifi? What is informatics didactics??
  • General introduction to the subject.
  • Practical information.
  • Compulsory attendance.


30.08.2004Christian Holmboe? Lille Aud, Ifi? Theories of Learning? We cover the three main theories of learning which form the background for the rest of the course

Please read:

  • Greeno, Collins & Resnick from the collection of papers.


06.09.2004Christian Holmboe? Lille aud, Ifi? Research in Computer Science Education? Based on three different overview papers of the research erea, we look at a couple of historical examples of research work.

Reading Material:

All should read:

Devide between you:

  • Brooks (1977)
  • du Boulay (1986)
  • Pea (1986)
  • Soloway & Ehrlich (1984)


13.09.2004Edgar Bostr?m? Lille aud, Ifi? Project kick-off? General principles of doing social science research and writing a scientific report. What will be expected from the term paper?

Reading Material:

All should read:

  • Gilmore (1990)

Devide between you:



20.09.2004Christian Holmboe? Ifi, Lille Aud? Preprogramming knowledge? What does it take to learn programming? What skills seem beneficiary?

Reading meterial:

All should read:

  • Detienne (2001) ch 2

Devide between you:


Project groups:

See if you are registered on the project list?

20.09.2004DEADLINE? ? Project description? Approx half page w/ problem and brief method description.?
27.09.2004Christian Holmboe? Ifi, Lille Aud? Software Engineering and Data Modeling? We discuss various perspectives on the learning and understanding of system engineering activities like design and modeling.

Reading material:All should read:

  • Detienne (2001), ch 3

Devide between you:


04.10.2004Jens Bennedsen? Ifi, Lille Aud? Teaching OO programming? Bennedsen will base his lecture on his own research into how teaching and learning object orientation – and especially introductory object oriented programming - can be done using a spiral approach with conceptual modeling defining the progression and a focus on the programming process, reinforcing systematic techniques where the old-timers legitimate the skills and knowledge of the individual newcomer.

Reading material:

All should read:

  • Detienne (2001), ch 5

Devide between you:

Additional reading material:


18.10.2004Edgar Bostr?m? Lille Aud, Ifi? User Training and Learning & Development in Organisations? How can we study organisational change and development from the perspective of learning theory? What is the role of user training in organisations?

Reading material:

All should read:


18.10.2004DEADLINE? ? Half-way draft? whatever you have so far. The more you have, the more feedback you can get...?
25.10.2004Edgar Bostr?m? Lille Aud, Ifi? Project Workshop? Chance to get feed-back and advice for your projects. Volunteers may give a 5min presentations and get feedback from the whole class including the lecturer. Take advantage of this unique oportunety!

Mandatory attendance - as always.?

01.11.2004Christian Holmboe? Lille Aud, Ifi? Natural languages? We discuss the relationship between natural language understanding and programming / system development.

Reading material:

All should read:

  • Detienne (2001), Ch 2 & 6
  • Bonar & Soloway (1985)

Devide between you:


I am very sorry about the delay!!!?

08.11.2004Christian Holmboe? Lille aud, Ifi? Learning styles vs Teaching practices? We look at different learning styles and the implications for different ways of organising teaching.

Reading material:

Devide between you:


I am very sorry about the delay!!!?

15.11.2004Christian Holmboe? Lille Aud, Ifi? Last lecture, Summing Up? We discuss examples of exam questions and try to draw the big picture. Any requests for specific topics are welcomed (no later than Wednesday 10th Nov.


15.11.2004DEADLINE? ? Final project report? The report counts for 49% of the final degree/grade.?
Published July 28, 2004 1:25 PM - Last modified Nov. 15, 2004 10:10 AM