
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
01.09.2005Edgar Bostr?m? Store Aud? Introduction? Slides:??
07.09.2005Edgar Bostr?m? Store Aud? Research in Computer Science Education? Support reading:

  • F & P - part 1 (p1-77)


08.09.2005Edgar Bostr?m? Store Aud? Project planning? Support reading:

  • Gilmore (1990)
14.09.2005Christian Holmboe? Store Aud? Theories of learning? Exam reading:

  • Greeno et al (1996)


15.09.2005Christian Holmboe? Store Aud? CSE Research? Exam reading:


21.09.2005Christian Holmboe? Store Aud? Learning theory in CSE research? Exam reading:


22.09.2005Edgar Bostr?m? Store Aud? Learning strategies and teaching methods? Support reading:


28.09.2005DEADLINE? PROJECT DESCRIPTION? ? Approx 1/2 page describing problem, data collection and method.?
28.09.2005Christian Holmboe? Store Aud? Misconceptions? Exam Reading:
  • F & P - part2 (ch1)
  • Pea (1986)

Support reading:

  • duBoulay (1986)
  • Schackelford&Badre (1993)
  • Taylor (1990)


06.10.2005Christian Holmboe? Store Aud? Learning to design? Exam reading:
  • Fincher&Petre part2 (ch4)
  • Sharp (1991)

Support reading:


19.10.2005DEADLINE? PROJECT DRAFT? ? Draft version of paper due. Feedback will be given. The further you have come, the more feedback you can get.?
20.10.2005Christian Holmboe? Store Aud? Schemas and Plans? Exam reading:
  • F & P - part2 (ch5)
  • Batra & Antony (1994)
  • Soloway & Ehrlich (1984)

Support reading:


26.10.2005Christian Holmboe? Store Aud? Programming environments & Vizualisation? Exam reading:
  • F & P - part2 (ch3)
  • F & P - part2 (ch6)

Support reading:


27.10.2005Edgar Bostr?m? Store Aud? PROJECT PRESENTATIONS? ?
03.11.2005Christian Holmboe? Store Aud? Language in CS learning? Exam reading:

Support reading:


10.11.2005Edgar Bostr?m? Store Aud? User Training & Learning in organizations? Exam reading:


User Training and Learning in organizations?

16.11.2005DEADLINE? FINAL PROJECT PAPER? ? The delivery counts 49% of the final mark in the course. No late delivery will be accepted. This is a formal part of your exam!?
17.11.2005Christian Holmboe? Store Aud? Summing up + Exam preparation? Exam reading:
  • everything

Support reading:

  • everything else


Publisert 18. aug. 2005 17:56 - Sist endret 24. nov. 2005 00:01