INF4221 – Definition of problems, requirement and modelling
Course description
Course content
The aim of the course is to teach methods and techniques for analysis and design of information systems by focusing users’ problems and requirements. The course will focus on activities that are conducted before the requirements specification is produced. A variety of perspectives will be introduced; from informal “participatory design” techniques to object-oriented analysis and design. A project will be conducted with the aim to analyse and design an information system in a real-world organization. Concretely the course will teach:
- Definition of problems, requirements specification and the relationship between the specification and the real-world
- Systems specification, modelling and a superior functional design
- A variety of techniques/methods
- A variety of systems development strategies
Learning outcome
After the course, students should:
- be able to analyse information systems in real-world settings and to conduct methods such as interviews and observations
- have a general understanding of a variety of approaches and perspectives of systems development, and be able to evaluate different methods and techniques
- techniques aimed to achieve the objective and expected results of a systems development process
- know different types of prototyping
- be able to use an object-oriented method for analysis and design
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Formal prerequisite knowledge
INF1010 – Object oriented programming (continued)/TOOL1100 – Teknologi, organisasjon og l?ring I (discontinued)/INF101, and INF1050 – Systems Development (continued)/INF102.
Recommended previous knowledge
Recommended prerequisites The course is based on knowledge corresponding to Informatics and the use of IT-systems in various setting in the society. Knowledge of software engineering is suggested for example INF3120 – Software engineering (discontinued).
Overlapping courses
10 credits INF3220 – Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (discontinued)/INF4220 – Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (discontinued), 10 credits INF3221 – Definition of problems, requirement and modelling (discontinued) and 10 credits IN265.
The course is given with 2 hours of lectures and 2 hours of study groups per week. The project should be carried out in an organization.
Grades will be given on the basis of the project report (50 %) and a three-hour written exam (50 %). Graded marks A-F.
Note that the first lecture is compulsory. The subject is regarded equal to INF3220 – Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (discontinued)/INF4220 – Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (discontinued)/INF3221 – Definition of problems, requirement and modelling (discontinued)/IN265 when practicing exam regulations.