Preliminary plan where more literature could be added. The final version will appear after the teaching has finished.
Dato | Undervises av | Sted | Tema | Kommentarer / ressurser |
25.08.2008 | Jens Kaasb?ll? | 3B, Informatics building? | Learning in organisations: tacit and explicit competence? | Clegg et al (2006) Managing knowledge and learning: communities, collaboration, boundariesGalimoto et al (2008) Competencies and learning for management information systems – the case of a health information system in Mala?iSlides: Introduction Tacit and explicit competence? |
29.08.2008 | Jens Kaasb?ll? | MultiMediaLab 4 379, Research park / 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken ? | IT competence. Single user applications? | Stamatova and Kaasb?ll (2007) Users’ Learning of Principles of Computer OperationsSlides on lab task of single user competence ? |
01.09.2008 | ? | ? | Concepts and principles in explicit user competence? | Slides on data structures for office software files? |
05.09.2008 | ? | ? | Session cancelled? | ? |
08.09.2008 | ? | ? | Literacy and Communities of practice? | Being Fluent with Information Technology (1999) Mitra et al (2005) Acquisition of computing literacy on shared public computers: children and the “hole in the wall”Lankshear & Knobel (2006) Digital Literacy and Digital LiteraciesSlides on literacy and practice? |
12.09.2008 | ? | ? | Standards for user competence? | European Computer Driving Licence / Datakortet. Tests in EnglishEducational Testing Service iskillsCertiportTester p? norsk → Testing → DemotestRigby (2004) Protecting the patient by promoting end-user competence in health informatics systems—moves towards a generic health computer user “driving license”Slides on literacy tests? |
15.09.2008 | ? | ? | Metacognitive skills. Student projects? | Phelps at al (2005) The role of metacognitive and reflective learning processes in developing capable computer users Meeting at the crossroads: proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of ASCILITE, 9-12 December 2001Schoenfeld (1992) Learning to Think Mathematically: Problem Solving, Metacognition, and Sense Making in MathematicsSlides on Metacognition? |
19.09.2008 | ? | ? | Metacogntive skills. Student projects? | ? |
22.09.2008 | ? | ? | Instruction? | Blanchard & Thacker (2007) Gagné-Briggs theoryKaasb?ll (2002) Alternative to parrot trainingNelson & Quick (2006) Bandura’s Social Learning TheoryGupta and Bostrom (2006) End-user training methods: what we know, need to knowSlides on instruction? |
26.09.2008 | Students doing project work? | ? | No teaching for 2 weeks? | ? |
10.10.2008 | ? | ? | Supervision and organisation of support? | Wenger (2008) Communities of practice - a brief introductionNelson & Quick (2006) Conditioning and reinforcementMunkvold (2003) End user support usage. Kaasb?ll (2002) Superusers: how to improve user support and information flow?Boudreau and Robey (2005) Enacting Integrated Information Technology: A Human Agency Perspective Velsen and Steehouder (2007) Evaluation of User Support: Factors That Affect User Satisfaction With Helpdesks and HelplinesSlides on supervision and support? |
13.10.2008 | ? | ? | Evaluation of training? | Mahapatra and Lai (2005) Evaluating end-user training programsSlides on evaluation of training? |
20.10.2008 | Representative, Accenture? | ? | Consultants' experience on development of IT competence? | ? |
27.10.2008 | ? | MultiMedia Lab? | Tutorials and training material? | Slides on evaluation of tutorials? |
31.10.2008 | ? | ? | Construction of tutorials? | Clerk (2007) Leveraging multimedia for learningSlides on construction of tutorialsFreeware tool Commercial tool? |
03.11.2008 | ? | ? | Software learnability and on-line help? | Slides on learnability of software? |
07.11.2008 | ? | ? | Advising on task 1? | ? |
10.11.2008 | ? | ? | Preparing individual teaching? | ? |
17.11.2008 | ? | ? | Preparing individual teaching? | Slides on oral exam? |
21.11.2008 | Students? | ? | Preparing individual teaching? | Slides on making slides? |
24.11.2008 | ? | ? | Preparing individual teaching? | ? |
03.12.2008 | 12:15-14? | ? | Preparing individual teaching? | ? |
05.12.2008 | 10:15-12? | ? | Preparing individual teaching? | ? |
08.12.2008 | 12:15-14? | ? | Preparing individual teaching? | ? |
15.12.2008 | 12:15-14? | ? | Preparing individual teaching? | ? |