We have posted a model …

We have posted a model solution to the second problem set on the web site now and will briefly go through this in the laboratory this coming Monday. Please make sure to compare our solution to yours beforehand and form an opinion on which you like better. Lars will email feedback on your submissions as soon as possibly, no later than mid-day this coming Monday (i.e. prior to our next session). Finally, note that we have made some adjustments to the schedule: we will post the third problem set in the next few days, and its submission deadline has been pushed back to Tuesday, October 28 (before 12:00 noon). The problem set will lead us through the implementation, training, and testing of an HMM. Please make sure to re-read the assigned chapters from Jurafsky & Martin (2008), look at the slide copies from last week, and read through the entire problem set prior to our next session.

Published Oct. 7, 2008 5:53 PM - Last modified Jan. 13, 2009 4:25 PM